Hello Kim,
I am about 2.5 months s/p middle fossa approach for what was thought to be. 5x4x7mm AN, but turned out to be a FN, like yours.
I had NO facial palsy going in, minimal hearing loss, and mild (ignorable) tinnitus.
Once inside my noggin, they uncovered it's true identity, debulked it a little, (obviously unroofed the boney canal), and closed me back up.
I asked the neurosurgeon how much he debulked it, and at one time he said "60%", and at another time, he said "just a little bit".
(I'm not quite sure how to reconcile those two different estimates)(and at this point, it doesn't much matter)
Post-op, hearing is the same, and if I tell someone to look for it, they can BARELY detect a slight assymetry to my smile, ( it would be unnoticible, if one didn't know to look for it).
The way it was explained to me was that:
if, down the road. I were to develop a grade IV palsy, then they could go back in, excise the tumor, do a nerve graft, and get me back to at least a grade III, if not better.
Since I had NO palsy yet, they made (IMO) the right decision to leave well enough alone, for now.
I had three neurolotologists from House Ear Institute on my case, AND a neurosurgeon.
Overall I am happy with my outcome, and remain eternally thankful I didn't opt to nuke the thing as I would have a major palsy , and perhaps be less (to perhaps UN-) responsive to a nerve graft.
Hope this helps some.