Ok, so I am having my BAHA surgery in 11 days. I really have not been nervous about this at all. Though I have not had an AN, I have had a non-malignant brain tumor with surgery (1991) and know what a big deal THAT is. So, in comparison, this is not such a big deal. I think it makes it worse that I am a nurse and worry about a lot of minuscule medical details that "normal" people don't worry about. So.....any words of wisdom from those of you out there that have gone through this? Any post-op pain? Any post-op symptoms? Did you feel claustrophobic under all the drapes during surgery? Did you have conscious sedation or just a local? Just want some "BAHA surgery stories" so I have some things to latch on to. I have privately heard from a few people with very positive experiences, but just wanted to put it out there to see if anyone else wants to share.