You know guys, I'm into technology in a big way and am really excited with the possibilities of 3G networks - for instance, enabling phones to carry live internet transmissions including voice control and video calling. However, the cynic in me (never used to be cynical until my surgeon lied to me repeatadly, about the frequency levels used. With infrastructure costs really high, and 3G not going through building walls that well (at the moment), my gut feel is that combined with some faulty gene or something defficient in the body, that these things can 't do any good.
After all, how many years and how many studies did it take before the ills of smoking was highlighted - and that was really due to inside info being leaked. The big tobacco companies pumped that much money into the research places that biased reports were always going to be the case. And is the mobile phone market any different?
Oh well, I will be following the outcome of this case v ery closely. At this point, its not clear what type of brain tumor these guys got. As soon as I find out, I'll let you know.