Well, you wenches and blokes, I just had the best birthday a wench could have--party,party,party---choccie, choccie, choccie! Dr. Love baked me a chocolate cake and I turned around and baked a choclate cake for my dear sister-out-law who we gave a suprise party for on the day after my birthday. My crazy brother sent her to my gallery opening with friends and decorated the house up with homemade signs and cooked a fabulous meal while we were all gone--when she came back, all her friends showed up, including Dr. Love and Dr. Loves chilluns and our grandbabies. Big backyard BarBQ. I got unbelievable choccies from a place in Asheville called the "Chocolate Fetish" (appropriate name!!)which I'm trying to ration to myself at the rate of 2 a day.
Still a big hunka choccie cake downstairs which I'm also trying to ration myself to 2 hunks a day. Needless to say my weigh-in will SUCK this week. But my Chocolate Happiness Factor (CHF) will be offa da scale!
Thank you all so much for your well wishes and good thoughts--I'd send you each a piece of this incredible Chocolate Fetish Chocolate, but it would get all mooshed in the mail so I guess I'll have to eat it all MYSELF!!!! But I will be thinking of you!
Thanks again for you wenches and blokes (Iain) who sent me the loverly flowers--totally made my weekend.
WHHHHEEEEWWWWW---I'm plum wore out from all the partyin' and grandbabies and choccie! Mr. Marshall, my hunky trainer worked me extra hard today, cuz he said I dint bring him no CAKE!
Captain Deb
Feathers a'flyin'!!!!