Hi Jan,
I am so happy you have found this discussion forum. Although, I did not find the forum until after the surgery, I find it very helpful in so many ways.
When I was told that I had a brain tumor, all I wanted was for it to be removed. I couldn't wait to say that it was completely gone and out of my head. That way, I could get on with my life. So, I understand why your husband may want the tumor surgically removed... that way it is just gone and over with. However, my brain tumor, which was surgically removed, was only debulked to 10% because it was in a very delicate location. If the surgeon would have taken it all, he would have cut my facial nerve even though I did end up with facial paralysis. The past is the past, but hearing that radiation is less invasive, I would have opted for the radiation in retrospect. That is just me though, like the other responses say, it's completely your choice. I wouldn't rush your decision, just do full research. At least the tumor is benign!!!
Good luck with everything!!! If you need to talk, feel free to contact me.
I was told that I didn't have an option of radiation, only micro-surgery, because my tumor was large at 4cm. After they de-bulked my tumor last year, I am to have radiation this month to stop blood supply to the rest of the tumor. I wish that I could have had radiation only, because it is less invasive, and now I have facial paralysis due to the facial nerve being messed with. I know that radiation can affect the facial nerve, but it is less likely than micro-surgery.