Hi, Sharon ~
I admire your decision to seek an alternative source of income because you were forced to give up your nursing career. I checked a few online medical transcription schools and they offered monthly payment plans as well as discounts for those with low incomes (below $20,000 for a single person, $30,000 for a couple). State agencies often offer tuition help. Use a search engine to research the possible availability of financial aid for re-training tuition assistance in your state. Federal assistance may also be available,. You'll have to do some internet research. Sometimes community organizations and/or foundations provide scholarships but you have to apply for them and often they have rather strictly defined parameters for their award criteria. A personal loan from a relative might be feasible, but you would be the best judge of that. If all else fails, I suppose you could put the tuition balance on a credit card, although that would be a 'last resort', considering the high interest rates most credit cards demand. As you can see, there are options available, if you're determined. Because you made it through nursing school and worked as a nurse, a noble profession, I assume you have the kind of fortitude necessary to seek and obtain the necessary financing for medical transcription school tuition. I wish you success and, ultimately, new opportunities.