I am from Australia and was not happy with the surgical option in Australia.
The surgery is extremely difficult and it is something that should not be taken lightly.
The outcome is very dependant on the surgeons, and complications are potentially life threatening.
Statistics show that around 2% of people die from AN operations/complications
A close friend of ours lost all of her hearing, facial nerve was damaged, and she died two weeks after AN surgery from complications.
This is not an isolated case. Permanant Facial nerve damage, CSF Leaks, meningitis is not uncommon.
From my research it would appear that a good surgical team can produce fantastic results with minimal complications.
The House Ear Clinic in the US is certainly one of those centres of excellence.
Whether this level of expertise is available in Australia is questionable in my view.
There is a lot of research pointing to low dosage CK or GK treatments for SMALL AN's, providing similar results to surgery, without the level of complications and deaths.
Your partners tumour is small.
I was diagnosed with a 10mm x 5mm Acoustic Neuroma on 4th July 2010 after experiencing sudden partial hearing loss.
I had Cyberknife treatment in Munich on the 27th July 2010.
So far its like nothing has happenned. Got a bit dizzy for a few days, that was it. Was back typing emails and making phone calls a few hours after CK and have not looked back.
Flew back to Australia the next day.
No side effects or any changes so far.
There is no Cyberknife Machine in Australia.
GammaKnife was turned on 10 days ago at Macquarie University in Sydney.
Gammaknife is not covered by Medicare or your Health fund and costs $30,000 in Australia
Some older Linac and Radiotherapy machines are available but lack the accuracy required for the best outcome for a small Acoustic Neuroma in Australia.
Please do as much research as possible. Ultimately you must be comfortable with whatever decision you make.
I was not comfortable with the solutions being offerred to me, the timeframes it took to get anything done, nor the risk to my quality of life, to accept surgery, or older radiotherapy equipment within Australia.