Maureen/Doc ~
I realize that each of you are simply stating your personal experiences with military medical personnel and facilities but I believe that whether its military or civilian doctors/personnel/facilities, there are good and not-so-good. In my four years of being a member of this website/forums, I've read many 'horror stories' about insensitive civilian doctors, their unhelpful office personnel and surly hospital staffs. I've also read many very positive accounts of caring doctors, helpful office personnel and cheerful, efficient hospital staffs. Same with the military folks, who, to be honest, are only lightly represented in these forums. That leads me to the conclusion that your level of care is always going to vary, no matter if it's military or civilian. The tough part for military personnel and their families is that, usually, the 'military option' is the only one readily available, making it difficult when the doctors, dentists, etc. are less than top-notch and efficient. This is one facet of the difficulty I believe a nationalized health care system is going to impose on Americans. However, that is a separate issue for another thread on another forum. I'm just saying.