Author Topic: Bothersome and painful incision  (Read 9553 times)


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Re: Bothersome and painful incision
« Reply #15 on: August 15, 2005, 06:49:32 pm »
I am 2 weeks post surgery and 1 week from getting my stiches out.  I have had drainage the whole week.  Little blood and mayber a little pus.   I went to see the Dr. today and he put me on some anti-biioctus for 4 days to see if it clears up. He then memtioned another surgery to clean up the infection if the pills does not work.  The thought of another surgery is a huge idissiappoint.  Has anyone else suffered this??  What was the outcome??  What is CFG leakage and what are the sym. for staff infection??  Thanks Glenn


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Re: Bothersome and painful incision
« Reply #16 on: August 17, 2005, 12:14:57 am »
HI all,

One thing I would like to say is, yes, I had problems with drainage and blood. A real worry,  I was put on several different pills and the doctor told me if it didn't get better he may need to go back in and open up my incision and drain it.  Fortunately, the pills eventually kicked in but I was scared.  I would strongely reccomend to keep your hands off of your incision!!!!!!!!!  It can cause you to get an infection!  No matter how many times we wash our hands they carry germs on them and so you don't want to touch and open wound.  Have your doctor check it out!



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Re: Bothersome and painful incision
« Reply #17 on: August 17, 2005, 01:17:48 pm »
I have.   It is still on going for 8 months.

first surgery via translab.
Second surgery a week later for CSF leak from incision
Third Surgery was to Drain abcess and treat staph infection.

It is still draining 3 months later.  It heals then burst open again in about 3 weeks. 

The believe it may be a reaction to the bone cement the used to seal me up from the CSF leak.

I am currently on antibiotic to as the last step before a fourth surger to remove the bone source.

What pills did they have you on?


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Re: Bothersome and painful incision
« Reply #18 on: August 27, 2005, 10:59:52 pm »

I'm sorry I wish I could remember, but the doctor put me on several before one finally kicked in.  I asked my husband and he doesn't remember either, sorry.


P.S.  So glad you got checked out!