I am new to this Forum, but enjoying it immensely. As an online retailer, I love being able to find whatever I need on the Web.
I was just diagnosed in July with a 2cm acoustic neuroma. Oddly, my only symptoms were an ongoing balance issue (attributed to the stress of my then 23-year-old being diagnosed with a glioblastoma in Jan. '09), constant tinnutis, and then this past Spring, a feeling of fullness. Now, of course, I do notice the slight hearing loss. Didn't really do much about any of it until recently as I had bigger fish to fry.
Having surgery Nov. 30. I was offered the gamma knife option by my son's neurosurgeon, but don't like even the 3% chance of possible malignancy, nor am I crazy about radiation. I opted for the team at Loyola (Chicago), Drs. Leonetti & Anderson. Needed to find a long enough period when I had time for the recovery as my work involves lots of lifting and moving stuff and travel around the country. Hoping 6 weeks will do it as I have a trade show booked for Jan. 16! Hence, the delay until November for the surgery.
I guess I should be more frightened or depressed or something, but after what we've gone through (and are still going through) with the GBM, this seems kind of in the no-big-deal category. BTW, I am 60 years old and in pretty good overall health. And our son has had no recurrence, still on chemo, but back in medical school. So life is good.
My only problem recently is the balance thing which seems to worsen and then get better, and recently, a fuzzy taste at the top of my tongue which also comes and goes (AN or not related? I don't know).
Has anyone thought about learning ASL (American Sign Language) post-surgery? I don't relish depending on only one ear at my age, having had a profoundly deaf elderly father who was unable to communicate in his last years. Wondering if my "elderly" brain can learn this?
Best of luck to everyone. Our familly are staunch supporters of the American Brain Tumor Association (abta.org), so I try to keep up on all the research out there.