Hi Suzy,
I was just diagnosed myself with an IAC tumor about the same size as yours. I hope that you can stay in touch with the forum. It would be great to swap stories at each step. I have done quite a bit of research and have just met with the first surgical team that interested me. I am in NYC and met with Drs Gutin and Selesnick. I'll tell you what: just talking to a professional somehow gave me a HUGE sense of relief. While they didn't really tell me anything I didn't already know; their manner, their experience, and meeting their staff made a huge impact and really put things in perspective for me. They and I agree that surgery is the way to go. I am 37, not crazy about the radiation idea and feel, for me, that the thing is just going to grow. Let's get it out now while I am in the best of circumstances, i.e., age, health, I have insurance, the tumor is small, only symptom present is tinnitus which I'm getting used to and a slight hearing loss that I don't actually notice. Also if this resonates at all: I don't think anyone can make a "wrong decision" in this! I think that if you've sort of done your due diligence, and have educated yourself as much as you can - you've done your job. Also, I find I really need to take days off from it all too. It helps ALOT. Keep posting.