Author Topic: ObamaCare issues  (Read 13381 times)

Jim Scott

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Re: ObamaCare issues
« Reply #15 on: August 15, 2010, 01:43:41 pm »
wow Jim - this is important to you.

Of course it is and it should be important to every American because the new government health care law will affect us all.  

All I know is this:

I have worked and paid taxes since I was a teenager, until fall of 2009 when I had to quit my job at Purdue University due to on the job injuries - in an appeal to collect unemployment benefits, a judge reversed the decision and I now collect - temporarily, due to the federal extension. I currently pay $500 per month for medical insurance and am steadily going through my life savings...I can not find work, so I'm enrolled in school this fall, preparing to take on huge student loan debt to retrain to do work in three years, that will provide enough income so I don't have to lose my house. I will be 59 years old if I finish in three years.

In March2010, COBRA will expire and I will have to get insurance through Indiana's high risk pool program - In Jan, a new premium (the cheapest one) of about $670 per month with a $5000 deductible will be available to me...hopefully, I can afford this. The local hospitals that are not-for-profit have assured me they will not turn me away - so I will have a huge bill for my MRIs. The brain MRIs are almost $4000 each. That's what's ahead of me, in spite of paying those high premiums. In 2014, those premiums will be government subsidized, thank god. I have no family that is in a position to help me. I am 55 and a half years old and live alone.

So you're right - we do disagree. I am angry Jim. I have worked all of my life - paid taxes all of my life - saved money - have never had a credit card or debt. I raised two wonderful kids, one of whom was class valedictorian. I am rewarded with this, as I approach my older years. I saved money, so am ineligible for any type of public assistance. But my savings account (currently $16,000) is negligible in light of the high insurance payments I make. When unemployment runs out, I'll be living on student loan money and what ever part time work i can find while I go to school full time. I have no retirement money. This year, I have spent 1/3 of my income on medical bills.

Incidentally, I am also a lifelong community volunteer, working in the public schools for hours with no pay, singing for years in a community chorus that raised money for poor people...
Today, I am met with our government shrugging its shoulders and writing me off. If it was up to the average citizen, seriously, I feel that no one cares if I drop dead.

Nancy, I'm truly sorry to learn of your current struggle trying to pay for your medical care.  I've been in a situation very similar to yours at times in my life.  My income too low to pay for medical insurance yet too high' to qualify for any kind of government aid program.  I hated being in that position so I can somewhat empathize with your feeling of being cheated and welcoming what has been sold as 'universal' medical insurance coverage for every American, regardless of income.  Sounds wonderful.  Too bad that it very likely won't turn out to be what many folks seem to expect.  I really hope ObamaCare ends up helping you, Nancy, but I also hope that your expectations aren't too high, although I suppose, in your case, anything will seem better than nothing, so I don't have to agree with you to understand your feelings on the issue and, however it happens, I hope your financial situation improves in the coming months.  

I have to echo Lois' comment that what we call 'ObamaCare' is about our health care, not our politics.  Unfortunately, the politicians in Washington have politicized our health care system by 'fixing' it.  Most Americans didn't want this 'fix' but the politicians voted it into law, anyway, against the expressed will of the people.  That is not how a democratic republic is supposed to work and many of us are angry about the usurpation of our freedom to choose our health care and how it's paid for.  I know that many people who voted for the current president are outraged at this forced 'nationalization' of our health care system, to be run by bureaucrats on a cost/benefit basis, with doctors having little say in what their patients are allowed to receive in terms of surgery, radiation, therapy and medicine.  As Lois correctly pointed out, under the new health care law, that hypothetical MRI you mention getting may be denied on the basis of your age and the availability of MRI apparatus/technicians.  Many doctors are planning to retire when the full ObamaCare program takes effect by 2014, so you may be lucky to find a doctor that will treat you, even though you have your (subsidized) government health insurance.  Frankly, I resent being basically pushed aside for younger, more productive Americans when I need an MRI or other medical service, which is what will very likely happen under ObamaCare.  I've worked and paid taxes all my life too, over 50 years, in fact, so I have ample reason to be pessimistic about the ramifications of the nationalization of our heath care system, which, admittedly, is being accomplished incrementally, so the full extent of it's negative impact won't be immediately felt.   Of course, I don't claim to be omniscient and time may disprove my pessimistic view of the health care law, but I doubt it.  

I have to mention that you seem to be a bit ill-informed regard the 'Bush Tax Cut for the wealthiest Americans'.  Although tax rates will go up (to as high as 39.6%) on capital gains, which usually affect the wealthy (the people who run businesses and hire other people to work for them) so will the tax rates for the regular folks, like us.  The lowest income tax bracket rate (annual income under $34,550.) now at 10% will go up to 15%, a 33% increase.  The Child Tax Credit will be reduced from $1,000. to $500. with tougher rules to qualify. The Marriage Penalty will return.  So much for the 'Bush tax cuts' only affecting the wealthy, a manipulation of reality by politicians and the media that too many Americans willingly accept because it feeds class envy, which is regrettable.  

I know many people who happily collect Medicare benefits who oppose the idea of anyone else being helped through tax money.

Really?  I wonder who that would be?   ;)

Over a million working people with jobs are on taxpayer-funded Medicaid and many more Americans are 'covered' - at no cost to them - by various taxpayer-funded programs administered by state and local governments, all paid for with tax dollars.  The taxpayers have been funding millions of people's medical care for years, Nancy, but it's 'invisible' to most of us, unless we need to utilize those taxpayer-funded services.  In addition, the indigent have received their health care gratis for decades in local hospitals and clinics. The hospitals and clinics simply raise their rates and because private insurance companies pay most of the medical bills in this country, they, in turn, raise their rates, costing us more. So, again, we pay, whether we realize it or not. In short:, there is no free lunch.  As for Medicare, I'm on that program - but not by my choice.  My private insurer automatically ends medical coverage when a policyholder reaches 65 leaving me the choice of having no medical insurance at all or accepting Medicare coverage, which isn't free and doesn't come close to what I had under my 'private' medical insurance.  However, I tried but couldn't stop from turning 65 .  I would opt for my old policy, at a cost of over $2,000. annually, in a heartbeat but it simply isn't available.  You see, I don't like being at the mercy of a government bureaucracy that can decide what medical services I receive.  I could always fight my private insurer and appeal to the state insurance commissioner or simply switch insurance companies the next year if I was unhappy with their decisions, but now, on Medicare, I've lost those options.  So will you when the ObamaCare kicks in.  It'll be interesting to see how that works out.

Frankly, I never liked the employer-sponsored health care deal we all lived under our entire working lives.  Yes, it was nice being covered for a relatively small amount because the employer subsidized the insurance cost but I would have rather been paid more and been able to purchase my own health insurance, tailored to my needs.  Besides, I was unemployed more than once and had to gamble on not getting sick because I had no medical coverage.  That was no fun.  Fortunately, that was never a real problem because I'm healthy, but it could have been.  However, the days of 'private' health insurance, tethered to your employment are soon to end as we venture into the brave new world of nationalized health care, which usually fails in large, diverse populations.  We'll see.

Back to the forum! I WILL find a way to get by. And even if I owe a ton of money to the hospital, I WILL get those necessary MRIs. Everyone else's bills will go up if I can't make my payments, but...this is the American way!

sorry to vent...maybe we ALL need to keep the politics off of this forum...we each have different circumstances, and are all having a problem with the current situation, in our own ways...

Agreed, Nancy.  It's obvious that we all have our own unique perspective on this issue and, as I noted in a previous post, I have no intention of arguing 'politics'.  Of course that would be a lot easier if the politicians hadn't decided to meddle with our health care system, but alas, that ship has sailed.  Let's see what the November elections bring and were we are with ObamaCare in a year or so.  For your sake, I hope you're in a better financial position and things work out for you, however that happens.  Thanks for your input.  It's been interesting.

« Last Edit: August 16, 2010, 02:48:31 pm by Jim Scott »
4.5 cm AN diagnosed 5/06.  Retrosigmoid surgery 6/06.  Follow-up FSR completed 10/06.  Tumor shrinkage & necrosis noted on last MRI.  Life is good. 

Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is.  The way we cope with it is what makes the difference.


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Re: ObamaCare issues
« Reply #16 on: August 16, 2010, 11:48:07 am »
I am so put out with insurance that I should just leave this thread and not say a thing but since I have the time decided not to ...

We have went through our savings to pay for health care ... when the bill was announced my insurance told me that now (this goes back to where someone said that some places were putting parts of the bill in to practice)  that they can continue to treat me as pre-existing until 2014 and refuse me treatment for anything AN related …and this after when we went form CIGNA to BCBS of Tennessee that it was going to be seamless and no loss of coverage …I have had two years of pretty much no coverage since I have to pay out just under $5000 before they pay anything …

they don’t pay for Lyrica which is what I have found that keeps me in an upright position because they say there are cheaper things that I should use … I have tried and have not found something cheaper that works without causing other issues and giving me other problems … I skimmed from some bills and took what was left from school clothes shopping and got me a bottle …$268 later …and still have a little bit left that if something doesn’t come up I can add to and get another when this runs out

I was suppose to get an MRI in December but skipped it because the one I got in December 2008 was just paid off in October and I feel guilty about taking so much of our income up in keeping myself going … my kids should not have to do without just so I can keep going …I can go to Nashville and get an MRI  tomorrow if I want to take on payments … but we are stretched so thin now that we are struggling and can’t afford to make payments … when the check for pre -approval you have to give them some down and set up automatic payments when you have the thing done

I am having issues with headaches , more dizziness , numbness and twitching of AN side of face , beginning to have trouble swallowing as it seems like when I swallow that the right side of throat doesn’t move in sync to left side … it just kind of doesn’t push stuff down  and I have choked several times over last couple weeks and I am aspirating regularly as liquid is harder to swallow that solids …

my PCP is sure that all is AN related but is limited in what care he can get for me locally … we have a plan for me to come in and he make a diagnosis of Bells Palsy but say he wants to rule out mini stroke and send me through hospital outpatient as an emergency ( no ER fee this way )  and order an MRI … as an emergency the insurance is suppose to pay on it  or reduce it more than if one is run as a non emergency … but this seems so ridiculous and a bit like fraud or just not right and have not been able to bring myself to do it …

When I was hurting so bad that I started vomiting and ended up standing in the shower throwing up on my feet trying to ease pain with water massage , I was thinking to myself “ it isn’t suppose to be like this “ … and have thought on more than one occasion that had I known how bad theses headaches would be that I would have not had surgery at all …but since death was what was promised me if something was not done I had no real choice and I want to see my kids grow up …

I have worked years raising money for causes … 10s of thousands of dollars through the years for cancer , homeless , families that have lost homes to fires , floods etc etc  …but when friends and teachers at school offered about 2 years ago to hold me a benefit dinner I told them no …

I don’t want a hand out … and I don’t want or expect insurance to pay 100% of my bills … at this point I would be happy with 10 or 20 % …they are paying zilch … and I can’t get needed care … one recent letter that I took to our liaison said that although medically necessary that maintenance MRIs and the Lyrica was not cost productive … and that if I was working they would reconsider coverage … I feel like as far as BCBS is concerned they would like me to drop dead and leave them alone

I can’t find a job that I can do and also be home when kids get home from school … and since we are out in the sticks with farming neighbors who are not always around , since you have to go to farming chores and even though you are home , you are not necessarily there … I am not willing to have my kids sitting home alone for several hours when we are in the sticks and no guarantees of some adult they could go to in case of an emergency being around   â€¦ not so much worried about the kids doing something as I am thinking someone knowing they are here alone and either kids coming over or some bad guy …(not that I see bad guys lurking behind trees waiting to pounce ,  I am just cautious )

Going to end this now with these final thoughts  … some of you may think all this has nothing to do with the health bill … but I have been told by the representatives I have talked to and argued with that they have the right to adjust their policies to fall in line with guidelines outlined in the bill …

So my pre-existing status is now in place until 2014  … we were originally told that things would be seamless coming off CIGNA with no change in coverage , then told after a year I would come off pre-existing status … they twist wording and I am sure they have a whole staff dedicated to making sure that things are wordied so they can go back and twist what you think something means into something that is totally different … like the seamless transition promise made to us in 2008 when BCBs went into effect
3mm AN discovered Aug 2004
Translab July 2 ,2007
3.2cm x 2.75cm x 3.3cm @ time of surgery


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Re: ObamaCare issues
« Reply #17 on: August 16, 2010, 11:51:24 am »
One bright spot in a dark mess … I filled out a book of paperwork to add to that of about 50 employees … it is paper work to join in with other Tennessee  power companies in a co-op insurance plan… premiums about the same as what we pay now and better coverage with tiered prescriptions of $5 ,$10 ,$20 and $40 ... I would gladly pay $40 for my lyrica  …a $20 co-pay (right now I am paying for all office visits 100% …talked to several people with on going health problems in next county over and they say it pays good and they have had no problems in the 4 years they have been apart of the program  … hoping that it goes through and we get something besides the nothing we have now

OK ... was gonna go check into the emotional and cognitive issue page and rant there but this book I have written has gotten alot off my chest so I will pass on that for now
3mm AN discovered Aug 2004
Translab July 2 ,2007
3.2cm x 2.75cm x 3.3cm @ time of surgery


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Re: ObamaCare issues
« Reply #18 on: August 16, 2010, 12:04:14 pm »
I am so put out with insurance that I should just leave this thread and not say a thing but since I have the time decided not to ...

We have went through our savings to pay for health care ... when the bill was announced my insurance told me that now (this goes back to where someone said that some places were putting parts of the bill in to practice)  that they can continue to treat me as pre-existing until 2014 and refuse me treatment for anything AN related …and this after when we went form CIGNA to BCBS of Tennessee that it was going to be seamless and no loss of coverage …I have had two years of pretty much no coverage since I have to pay out just under $5000 before they pay anything …

they don’t pay for Lyrica which is what I have found that keeps me in an upright position because they say there are cheaper things that I should use … I have tried and have not found something cheaper that works without causing other issues and giving me other problems … I skimmed from some bills and took what was left from school clothes shopping and got me a bottle …$268 later …and still have a little bit left that if something doesn’t come up I can add to and get another when this runs out

I was suppose to get an MRI in December but skipped it because the one I got in December 2008 was just paid off in October and I feel guilty about taking so much of our income up in keeping myself going … my kids should not have to do without just so I can keep going …I can go to Nashville and get an MRI  tomorrow if I want to take on payments … but we are stretched so thin now that we are struggling and can’t afford to make payments … when the check for pre -approval you have to give them some down and set up automatic payments when you have the thing done

I am having issues with headaches , more dizziness , numbness and twitching of AN side of face , beginning to have trouble swallowing as it seems like when I swallow that the right side of throat doesn’t move in sync to left side … it just kind of doesn’t push stuff down  and I have choked several times over last couple weeks and I am aspirating regularly as liquid is harder to swallow that solids …

my PCP is sure that all is AN related but is limited in what care he can get for me locally … we have a plan for me to come in and he make a diagnosis of Bells Palsy but say he wants to rule out mini stroke and send me through hospital outpatient as an emergency ( no ER fee this way )  and order an MRI … as an emergency the insurance is suppose to pay on it  or reduce it more than if one is run as a non emergency … but this seems so ridiculous and a bit like fraud or just not right and have not been able to bring myself to do it …

When I was hurting so bad that I started vomiting and ended up standing in the shower throwing up on my feet trying to ease pain with water massage , I was thinking to myself “ it isn’t suppose to be like this “ … and have thought on more than one occasion that had I known how bad theses headaches would be that I would have not had surgery at all …but since death was what was promised me if something was not done I had no real choice and I want to see my kids grow up …

I have worked years raising money for causes … 10s of thousands of dollars through the years for cancer , homeless , families that have lost homes to fires , floods etc etc  …but when friends and teachers at school offered about 2 years ago to hold me a benefit dinner I told them no …

I don’t want a hand out … and I don’t want or expect insurance to pay 100% of my bills … at this point I would be happy with 10 or 20 % …they are paying zilch … and I can’t get needed care … one recent letter that I took to our liaison said that although medically necessary that maintenance MRIs and the Lyrica was not cost productive … and that if I was working they would reconsider coverage … I feel like as far as BCBS is concerned they would like me to drop dead and leave them alone

I can’t find a job that I can do and also be home when kids get home from school … and since we are out in the sticks with farming neighbors who are not always around , since you have to go to farming chores and even though you are home , you are not necessarily there … I am not willing to have my kids sitting home alone for several hours when we are in the sticks and no guarantees of some adult they could go to in case of an emergency being around   â€¦ not so much worried about the kids doing something as I am thinking someone knowing they are here alone and either kids coming over or some bad guy …(not that I see bad guys lurking behind trees waiting to pounce ,  I am just cautious )

Going to end this now with these final thoughts  … some of you may think all this has nothing to do with the health bill … but I have been told by the representatives I have talked to and argued with that they have the right to adjust their policies to fall in line with guidelines outlined in the bill …

So my pre-existing status is now in place until 2014  … we were originally told that things would be seamless coming off CIGNA with no change in coverage , then told after a year I would come off pre-existing status … they twist wording and I am sure they have a whole staff dedicated to making sure that things are wordied so they can go back and twist what you think something means into something that is totally different … like the seamless transition promise made to us in 2008 when BCBs went into effect
My heart goes out to you and the only thing I can advise you is go to the ER you have paid your dues for causes and not asking for much it is your turn to be helped and if it means the ER so be it please go for yourself and your family.

Best Wishes,

Diagnosed with a 1 cm. AN had Retrosigmoid
Approach surgery July of 2009, several problems after surgery.

Jim Scott

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Re: ObamaCare issues
« Reply #19 on: August 16, 2010, 01:39:21 pm »
Soundy ~

Thanks for taking the time and effort to offer us your experiences with medical insurance companies and their often frustrating policies and the legalistic games they use to deny coverage.

I'm sure many of us could echo your complaints. The really sad part of all this is that the cruelly mis-named 'Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act', colloquially termed 'ObamaCare' for the man who instigated it, will very likely make it harder to get medical tests, drugs and doctor visits, much less, surgery, approved.  PPACA will be covering millions more people than were previously insured and will carry an enormous cost which will be borne by taxpayers (that would be us).  This will eventually necessitate the 'rationing' of medical care (doctor visits, drugs, tests, surgery) and, as I've previously posted, those of us in our, ahem, later years will bear the brunt of that rationing because the new head of Medicare and Medicaid services, Dr. Donald Berwick, has publicly stated that, under a 'public' (government-run) health care system an individuals medical needs have to be justified on the basis of 'cost containment'.  No mention of the doctor and patient's wishes.  In fact, the good Dr. Berwick claimed, just last year, that "the decision is not whether or not we will ration care -- the decision is whether we will ration with our eyes open".  If that doesn't give you pause, it should.  I don't know about anyone else, but I can see 'the handwriting on the wall', to use a biblical metaphor, and it doesn't look good. Frankly, it doesn't matter much whether you're for or against PPACA.  It's now the law and my objections mean little, but I believe my objections are valid and so, worth stating.  That Nancy and probably some other posters disagree is not a problem.  I'm not trying to persuade anyone, I'm just stating facts and my opinion relating to those facts.  

So, although we can all empathize with your daunting struggle in attempting to squeeze coverage from notoriously parsimonious medical insurance companies for the drugs and tests you need, I'm afraid that the coming 'nationalized' health care system will be no better, and that's being optimistic.  Oh, it will take awhile and the full system won't be in force until 2014 so things won't change overnight.  With all the new rules (any and all pre-existing illness can be ignored, no lifetime cap on benefits, etc) the private medical insurance companies will eventually be forced to stop selling medical insurance because the new rules will make it impossible for them to make a profit, the sole reason for their existence.  Once that happens, the government will take over and become the one and only source of medical insurance coverage for every American.  Whatever decisions are made by the bureaucrats running it will have no appeal  possible...take it or leave it.  This will be a scary situation for anyone with a chronic illness or condition and in some instances fatal for those over 65, who often need extensive medical help as they age, including joint replacements and a cornucopia of prescription drugs that make their quality of life tolerable - and sometimes, possible.  This isn't wild speculation but easily verifiable. The UK NHS (National Health Service) serves a combined population that is about 20% of the U.S. population (UK - 62 million, U.S. - 310 million).  The official maximum waiting time for, say, AN surgery after being diagnosed and having your doctor request a surgery date is 18 weeks.  That's over four months.  My AN surgery was scheduled for approximately 10 days after my diagnosis, with no problem.  Complications (a false cancer scare) caused it to be postponed but even then, I underwent the surgery within 3 weeks of my diagnosis.  Unfortunately, I fear that the UK version of health care - worse, actually - is coming to our shores very soon.  That is, if the November election doesn't force a change in direction.  We'll see.  In the meantime, I hope that co-op insurance plan deal works out for you and your family.  You certainly deserve a break, so I pray that you'll get one, at last.

« Last Edit: August 16, 2010, 02:28:00 pm by Jim Scott »
4.5 cm AN diagnosed 5/06.  Retrosigmoid surgery 6/06.  Follow-up FSR completed 10/06.  Tumor shrinkage & necrosis noted on last MRI.  Life is good. 

Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is.  The way we cope with it is what makes the difference.


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Re: ObamaCare issues
« Reply #20 on: August 16, 2010, 05:41:20 pm »
I feel better than I did this afternoon when I wrote all that ... the subject of insurance just makes my blood boil ... I am pretty much uninsured ... my card gets me in the door and leaves me with big bills I can't afford ...

after writing all that I went to our account page on BCBS site and added up what they have paid on me since going into effect ... since July 2008 BCBS has paid out $978 toward doctor visits and medicine ... that is 2 mamos at $175 each and 2 yearly exams with pap at $110 ...these things are covered 100% because they care and want to keep us healthy  ::)   ... which leaves $408 they have paid in 2 years for strep throat , lupus sun reaction a time or two , going in for headaches trying to get them manageable , other visits that are just things that have cropped up ... we have paid out about $8000 in this time period and still owe more ...that is just on me ... then you have the kids and Bo which thankfully have not been too much ... price reductions amount to $450 off for using in network doctors ... this they don't pay so they aren't out this amount it is just a discount that is contracted

if you factor in premiums the in the hole feeling worsens ...

I just hope that the co-op goes through and goes through fast ... they say we should know something in 4-6 weeks and then it will take about a month to switch if it goes through... some are worried but it can't be much worse than what we have ...
3mm AN discovered Aug 2004
Translab July 2 ,2007
3.2cm x 2.75cm x 3.3cm @ time of surgery


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Re: ObamaCare issues
« Reply #21 on: August 16, 2010, 06:32:51 pm »
I'm really in a place were I don't know which way to go on STATE RUN health care.

I totally see both sides. I'm a Conservative white male and will prob vote with the TEA party.

My experience with the Post Office vs FedEx. FedEx totally blew the post office out of the water in speed, reliability, service, and value out of about 15,000 packages I sent out with my dot com company. But the Post Office was there for the people on the fringe of the world and would ship to anyone. FedEx does reach 95% of the world in like 8 hours if you want to pay enough. But the other 5% they won't or can't touch. The horror stories I can tell you about the Post Office is unreal.

Post Office would get a F but they get a D because they will ship to anyone.

FedEx would get a A+ but it has to be a B+ because they won't ship to everyone.

I have seen so called 80s to early 90s BOAT PEOPLE from Laos and Vienam not know the culture not know how to read or speak English with only the shirt on their backs and be able to become very rich in a very short period. Because they are willing to do what it takes. I know I'm not going to work 2 full time jobs while I take classes at the local comunity college like I saw them doing. And this fact makes me lean towards prepare for your self health care.

I don't like the ideal of myself or anyone else taking from those boat peoples hard work because we aren't willing to do what it takes to be perpared.
Age 42, AN left, 2.8cm
left hearing gone, balance getting better.
16 hour Surgery 9-27-10 CSF leak fix 10-4-10 3 hours
Miracle I feel my left face and tongue again.
If we evolved from monkeys into humans? When do we stop being human and become something else? What would that something else be?


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Re: ObamaCare issues
« Reply #22 on: August 16, 2010, 08:10:16 pm »
as far as I'm concerned, the smug, comfortable wealthy people can pay more tax to subsidize this

Only honest wealthy people will pay more. And yes they do exist. The greedy (which will be most) will hide their income. Because they can pay people that specialize (Lawyers) less than paying the taxes. For example the Kennedy family didn't pay much at all in death taxes because they used Fiji banks to put the asses into a family trust and transfered control of the family trust by secession of death.

Medicare is there for you. But you can never go over 2k in your bank account or you will get bumped off. You can home stead your home and cars. You will be broke. But you will be alive and taken care of.

This is what Obama is talking about when he said you shouldn't go broke if you get sick. I do not aggree with him. You should go broke if you get sick and need assistance. If you are prepard. You won't go broke. Its up to you.

Age 42, AN left, 2.8cm
left hearing gone, balance getting better.
16 hour Surgery 9-27-10 CSF leak fix 10-4-10 3 hours
Miracle I feel my left face and tongue again.
If we evolved from monkeys into humans? When do we stop being human and become something else? What would that something else be?


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Re: ObamaCare issues
« Reply #23 on: August 16, 2010, 09:46:07 pm »
I'm feeling the pinch too. I'm out close to $2500 out of pocket of my nest egg. So far. I do have insurance but I got the $25,000 critical care deduct and $750 out patient. Because I wanted to save money. So, I'm looking at probably being set back $27k.

I do like Medicaid and I know its a social program. But at least its not socialist. Meaning control everybody. I look at it more like guard rails on the highway. Not perfect but it does do its job. It a safety net.

I do know almost everyone that gets put into a nursing homes (Stroke, Car accident, etc) moves all the assists to family members and gets on Medicaid. Not sure I like that. But I would probably do the same thing.

What I will do if my insurance drops me. Is tell all my doctors and treatment centers. That I'm out of pocket and could I get a break. Beg basically. If they say no. Then keep asking around. I been paying out of pocket so far and been getting $100 general doctor (should be $250) visits with bags full of samples. (bloodwork was $300 though) 30% off MRI scan ($700 found a place for $450 for next time). 30% off those stupid hearing balance test (another $700). $150 ENT visits. The neurologist was $440 and didn't give me a break. :( Its not really that bad considering the service I'm getting. :)

I don't think most people (I know I don't) will care that Taxpayers pick up your student loan debt if you get sick. I would look into homesteading you home now. Make sure your ready just in case.

You can call the local bar association and ask them if they have a free advice workshop so you can get the laws in your state.
Age 42, AN left, 2.8cm
left hearing gone, balance getting better.
16 hour Surgery 9-27-10 CSF leak fix 10-4-10 3 hours
Miracle I feel my left face and tongue again.
If we evolved from monkeys into humans? When do we stop being human and become something else? What would that something else be?


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Re: ObamaCare issues
« Reply #24 on: August 17, 2010, 01:01:23 pm »
I do not think you are highjacking, this all pertains to the ObamaCare issues.  More people need to get their stories out there so the legislatures know what "the people" really need, not what they, the legislatures want.  Remember your country was founded on "Freedom of Speech".  Tell all those who will listen to you and tell it over again to those that won't listen until they do listen.  

I'm a very concerned member of this forum, with family and friends in your great country.

Anne Marie
Sept 8/06 Translab
Post surgical headaches, hemifacial spasms and a scar neuroma. 
Our we having fun YET!!! 
Watch & Wait for more fun & games

Jim Scott

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Re: ObamaCare issues
« Reply #25 on: August 17, 2010, 01:20:43 pm »
In many ways, I agree with Jim, who is afraid that things will only get worse. They might, though Reagan ranted exactly like that pre-Medicare, and the sky didn't fall, after all...

Nancy ~

Well, I'm glad we can agree, even if we differ on the exact consequences.  However, because I'm a bit of a student of President Reagan, I have to introduce a few facts in response to this specific comment.

The Medicare Act was passed in 1965, 15 years before Reagan was elected president.  However, back in 1961, as a 'private citizen' (he was elected California governor in 1966) Mr. Reagan did give speeches opposing 'socialized medicine', which is exactly what Medicare really is and always has been.  Ronald Reagan felt that once a form of socialized medicine (such as Medicare) was introduced in America, it would be the forerunner to a nationwide imposition of government control of everyone's health care based on the simple fact that if the government is paying for it, the government (via bureaucracies) can decide who gets what care and when.  Reagan considered that a distinct loss of freedom and a disincentive to Americans saving for and determining what they would do regarding their health care.  'Funnydream' seems to grasp that fact, as do the majority of Americans who were against 'ObamaCare'.  Clearly, Reagan was right because look where we are, today, 45 years later. Although the politicians try to vehemently deny it, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is 'socialized medicine'.  The initial utilization of 'private' insurance companies, micro-managed by the government bureaucracy, to administer the program will end once these companies lose any chance of making a profit (their reason for being formed in the first place).  Then, the government will become the sole provider of medical/health insurance and will decide who gets what and when, whether you or your doctor like it or not.  There will be nowhere else to go.  This is, as Ronald Reagan stated, a loss of freedom in exchange for - what?  'Guaranteed' health care?  Hardly.  Dr. Berwick, the new head of Medicare/Medicaid has made it abundantly clear that under his watch, rationing of health care (doctor visits, operations, drugs) will occur, mostly with older Americans.  I see no benefit in that but perhaps others do.  If so, I'm sure they'll think that way right up until the moment they're denied some health-related request.  Too late, then.

As for 'the sky not falling', actually it will, and in the not too distant future.  The unfunded liability of the Medicare fund stands at 86 trillion dollars, an insurmountable sum.  Medicare has a $30.8 trillion dollar shortfall, more than twice the size of the entire U.S. economy.  To assume this can continue indefinitely is folly.  Socialized medicine is not only a usurpation of our freedom, disguised as compassion, but it will be financially unsustainable.  Those who believe the new health care law (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) will be a panacea for their financial difficulties and give them much better access to health care for little cost to them are likely to be disappointed, to put it gently.  Although Ronald Reagan was later proved correct in his early warnings about the pernicious effects of a government-run health care system, as I've repeatedly stated, this is simply my opinion and, unlike President Reagan on this issue, I could be wrong.  We'll find out, soon.

So to all - I hope, by whatever means, we ALL are able to have good health care~

I can concur with that, Nancy - and I do.  I wish you better days ahead.  :)

« Last Edit: August 17, 2010, 01:23:33 pm by Jim Scott »
4.5 cm AN diagnosed 5/06.  Retrosigmoid surgery 6/06.  Follow-up FSR completed 10/06.  Tumor shrinkage & necrosis noted on last MRI.  Life is good. 

Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is.  The way we cope with it is what makes the difference.

Captain Deb

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Re: ObamaCare issues
« Reply #26 on: August 17, 2010, 06:13:48 pm »

I, too  had that $5000 a month deductible with BCBS and could not get acess to a pain clinic, MRI's, nerve blocks, Botox, proper meds or anything else because we could not afford it because of a few family expenses that were eating up our income with me being unable to work.  I could not get any of the treatments/meds that now keep me going until I got Medicare which is included with my Social Security Disability, which was a 4 year fight for me.

 I was turned down twice and then hired a lawyer.  By law they cannot charge you more than 25% of your initial back benefits or $2500 whichever is less and they cannot charge you anything unless you win your case.  I also was eligible to purchase Medicare part D from a private insurer which has covered all my generic meds really well, even in the "donut hole".  The SSD amount each month is really small, but the ability to purchase the Medicare insurance has really saved my ass and my husbands retirement.  You would certainly qualify for disability, I am sure, but it does take most people getting a disability lawyer to get anywhere.  Please look into this!!  

I seem to have way more access to treatment and meds since I got my "socialized medicine."  Sorry if this sounds like I am contributing to the collapse of the American economy!

Thinking of you,

Capt Deb
« Last Edit: August 17, 2010, 06:36:08 pm by Captain Deb »
"You only have two choices, having fun or freaking out"-Jimmy Buffett
50-ish with a 1x.7x.8cm.AN
Mid-fossa HEI, Jan 03 Friedman & Hitselberger
Chronic post-op headaches
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Re: ObamaCare issues
« Reply #27 on: August 17, 2010, 06:49:59 pm »
I'm finding this an interesting discussion.  There are some ideas that someone could possibly clarify for me.  Being a teacher I currently have good health insurance, but who knows what is going to happen in the future.  What concerns me are the people who cannot afford health insurance.  What are they supposed to do?  Let's say you own your business and it's not doing well, and you get an AN?  How will you afford your care without going bankrupt?  To me, it seems that if you have a good job with insurance or are wealthy enough you would prefer the current health care system.  But if you have a job that pays minimum wage or a little higher you won't have enough money to pay for food, housing, clothing.  And most of those same jobs do not offer health insurance from their employers.  My first concern would I found out about my AN was whether or not my insurance would cover all of the costs.  Without my insurance I would be in debt for many years.  It's not like I chose to have an AN.  Through no fault of my own I could have ended up losing everything.  At least if I gambled away my money I would have been responsible for my situation.  I'm interested to hear ideas from others.

translab on 3.5+ cm tumor
September 6, 2005
Drs. Friedland and Meyer
Milwaukee, WI
left-side facial paralysis and numbness
TransEar for SSD

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Re: ObamaCare issues
« Reply #28 on: August 17, 2010, 06:55:13 pm »

Medicare is there for you. But you can never go over 2k in your bank account or you will get bumped off.

I hate to take this out of context, but I don't get the being bumped off Medicare with over 2k in the bank. Could you clarify?

Capt Deb
"You only have two choices, having fun or freaking out"-Jimmy Buffett
50-ish with a 1x.7x.8cm.AN
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Chronic post-op headaches
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Re: ObamaCare issues
« Reply #29 on: August 17, 2010, 07:21:04 pm »

Medicare is there for you. But you can never go over 2k in your bank account or you will get bumped off.

I hate to take this out of context, but I don't get the being bumped off Medicare with over 2k in the bank. Could you clarify?

Capt Deb
My understanding is that the $2k limit applies to "Medicaid", not "Medicare".

"Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness", Capt Jack Sparrow - Davy Jones Locker, "Pirates of the Carribbean - At World's End"