Author Topic: ObamaCare issues  (Read 13377 times)


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Re: ObamaCare issues
« Reply #30 on: August 17, 2010, 08:38:56 pm »
I'm finding this an interesting discussion.  There are some ideas that someone could possibly clarify for me.  Being a teacher I currently have good health insurance, but who knows what is going to happen in the future.  What concerns me are the people who cannot afford health insurance.  What are they supposed to do?  Let's say you own your business and it's not doing well, and you get an AN?  How will you afford your care without going bankrupt?  To me, it seems that if you have a good job with insurance or are wealthy enough you would prefer the current health care system.  But if you have a job that pays minimum wage or a little higher you won't have enough money to pay for food, housing, clothing.  And most of those same jobs do not offer health insurance from their employers.  My first concern would I found out about my AN was whether or not my insurance would cover all of the costs.  Without my insurance I would be in debt for many years.  It's not like I chose to have an AN.  Through no fault of my own I could have ended up losing everything.  At least if I gambled away my money I would have been responsible for my situation.  I'm interested to hear ideas from others.


with the insurance we have now we pay premiums and still are going in debt ... the only way this insurance is going to pay for anything for me is if I go back in for something major ... we were doing things right and this AN has put my whole family in a bad situation ... through no fault of theirs my 2 kids still living  at home and my husband are paying for my illness in many ways ...

I laugh , joke and go on to keep from crying some  ... My sense of humor although a bit morbid at times has helped in my emotional survival … I do what I can with my kids to keep things as normal for them as I can ... I spent some money I could have put towards lyrica on wood for their 4-H fair projects ...Bo said let them skip this year ... why should they have to not do things normal to them because I have to swallow our money a pill at a time  ??? … they didn’t do as many projects this year due to lack of funds but I did allow them $20 to buy supplies for some projects they wanted to do that we didn’t have something already here to work with … Hannah spent $15 on fabric a pack of 2 canvases  to make a stuffed luck dragon and paint what she calls a ying/yang sun/moon  and Sarah spent $9 for fabric for an octopus …Hannah gave one canvas to Sarah and she painted a monkey … how many kids ages 11 and almost 13 do you know who if given $20 and told to spend it would return any ??? I try not to burden them with our money woes but they know and worry along with us … a few years ago when things were better they would have spent it all and had more materials to work with …

with me bringing in little to no income ...( I did get in a full day at school today which will be a whopping $45 at the end of the month ) and extra money going to pay for  my health care , a child with messed up legs that will eventually need surgery and one with a lymphatic malformation to her face that has surgery every couple years to keep her face looking normal , and things that just come up our savings is gone and getting in deeper every month …and the new debt is mine ... Hannah will probably get surgery done under Shriner program and Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital has a program that when Sarah has to go in for surgery on her face they will absorb most of what insurance doesn’t pay since they are a teaching hospital

Bo works full time and makes good money alot of which goes into the farm which we get back at calf selling time ... but last year didn't really turn enough profit to make it worth while… but Bo is a farmer at heart and so the farm goes on .... we have been working on figuring a way to make the farm more profitable but honestly right now it is looking grim ... we have discussed bankruptcy which we qualify for but won’t go that route for fear of losing the farm …

We did have the house and 5 acres surveyed and removed from the farm to protect our home …and did the same with the in-laws house … so both homes sit on the farm but legally are not a part of the farm … but to lose the farm and have to live in this house with someone else owning the farm would kill Bo … he was born here and intends to die farming his land …

An option presented to me by people at the health department when I was turned down for disability was to divorce Bo , have him pay child support on the girls , sign house and my interest  in the farm over to him and then rent the house from him and live happily ever after … even though I am not working aside from the occasional day at school , I have put myself instead of Bo down as financially responsible this when St Thomas Hospital told me that in case insurance didn’t pay for AN Surgery (our insurance changed a few days after surgery while I was still in hospital ) , they couldn’t garnish his wages for unpaid amount … don’t know if it would hold up in court but since then I don’t put his name on anything other than emergency contact …

If we were divorced I would qualify for Tenn Care (state insurance )  , food stamps , help with rent and other services … and  I could file bankruptcy and not risk the farm  and we could date and he become my live in boy friend … In my darkest hours this comes to mind but I am about 99.9999999 % sure we won’t do this …

It is sad to know that people do get divorced in order to get medical care and not lose everything they own … when my mom was working for the state keeping people in their homes who were older or disabled but not to extent of needing a nursing home , she had several clients who did just this … one old man she went in to help would cry every week when she showed up because he and his wife of 60 some odd years divorced to save their home and get her treatment … then she died shortly there after …he thinks from a broken heart …about a year later he followed her and the state got the house anyway
3mm AN discovered Aug 2004
Translab July 2 ,2007
3.2cm x 2.75cm x 3.3cm @ time of surgery

Jim Scott

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Re: ObamaCare issues
« Reply #31 on: August 17, 2010, 11:01:58 pm »
I'm finding this an interesting discussion.  There are some ideas that someone could possibly clarify for me.  Being a teacher I currently have good health insurance, but who knows what is going to happen in the future.  What concerns me are the people who cannot afford health insurance.  What are they supposed to do?  Let's say you own your business and it's not doing well, and you get an AN?  How will you afford your care without going bankrupt?  To me, it seems that if you have a good job with insurance or are wealthy enough you would prefer the current health care system.  But if you have a job that pays minimum wage or a little higher you won't have enough money to pay for food, housing, clothing.  And most of those same jobs do not offer health insurance from their employers.  My first concern would I found out about my AN was whether or not my insurance would cover all of the costs.  Without my insurance I would be in debt for many years.  It's not like I chose to have an AN.  Through no fault of my own I could have ended up losing everything.  At least if I gambled away my money I would have been responsible for my situation.  I'm interested to hear ideas from others.

Jean ~

If you choose to believe that misfortune (an AN, for instance) and the surgery or radiation treatment needed to deal with the problem should be paid for by other people more affluent than you, then socialized medicine, which is really a form of income distribution - taking money (via government taxes) from those who have more than those who don't and giving it to the latter - would be quite reasonable.  Some hold that view - but I do not.  It's a matter of opinion.  I do not believe that life is always 'fair' and that because someone has more than I do I somehow have a claim on part of their money.  I do not subscribe to the notion that the economy is finite and that because some people are wealthy, their wealth is taken from 'my share'.  In fact, I find that concept to be absurd. However, we've been gradually 'socializing' medical care in America for decades.   

It should be noted that there are tons of state and local programs available to help low-income patients pay their bill.  It isn't always a black-and-white situation where you either have good medical coverage or you go bankrupt.  I'm not wealthy but I've had to shoulder big medical bills (for my wife) and never expected other people to pay them for me.  Why would I? The concept that if you're not wealthy other people should pay for your medical costs (via taxes) seems wrong to me, but I realize others would disagree.  So be it.  However, if one is poor, there is always help available.  You just have to seek it.  The current health care system needed reform, granted, but socializing' our medical system ('ObamaCare') - although it sounds wonderful ('accessible health care for everyone!') - is likely to have a negative outcome.  Even now, private health care premiums are rapidly rising in anticipation of Obamacare kicking in full force in 2014.   This is just the beginning, I'm afraid - but time will tell.   


4.5 cm AN diagnosed 5/06.  Retrosigmoid surgery 6/06.  Follow-up FSR completed 10/06.  Tumor shrinkage & necrosis noted on last MRI.  Life is good. 

Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is.  The way we cope with it is what makes the difference.


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Re: ObamaCare issues
« Reply #32 on: August 18, 2010, 12:44:33 pm »
Jim ... I have a thought or two in my head that are not going to type out well I am afraid

I don't want others to have to have taxes raised to help pay for my medical issues ... we cut out something and pay our own bills ...that is just the way we have always done things but this time it seems like bills may over take us ... that is why I am not  divorcing Bo and going bankrupt then going on different programs that I could get but were originally intended for a select group of people ... mainly out of work pregnant women , children and disabled ... misuse and abuse of these programs is (I think) a big part of why things are so screwed up with the medical system ...

I pay my premiums and expect what was promised ... not for legalese twisting of words to skew things in the insurance companies favor ... we are locked in to this for now unless the co-op goes through and as a group of 50 or so families can get out of it as a group ...

an exception I would make is that if push came to shove I would do something in order to stay alive or to help my kids ...

I just want to be able to pay my way and not have to go to extremes to do so ... we are not rich ... but before AN surgery we had savings and had extra money for things we wanted not just things we needed ...
3mm AN discovered Aug 2004
Translab July 2 ,2007
3.2cm x 2.75cm x 3.3cm @ time of surgery

Jim Scott

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Re: ObamaCare issues
« Reply #33 on: August 18, 2010, 02:43:09 pm »
Jim ... I have a thought or two in my head that are not going to type out well I am afraid

I don't want others to have to have taxes raised to help pay for my medical issues ... we cut out something and pay our own bills ...that is just the way we have always done things but this time it seems like bills may over take us ... that is why I am not  divorcing Bo and going bankrupt then going on different programs that I could get but were originally intended for a select group of people ... mainly out of work pregnant women , children and disabled ... misuse and abuse of these programs is (I think) a big part of why things are so screwed up with the medical system ...

I pay my premiums and expect what was promised ... not for legalese twisting of words to skew things in the insurance companies favor ... we are locked in to this for now unless the co-op goes through and as a group of 50 or so families can get out of it as a group ...

an exception I would make is that if push came to shove I would do something in order to stay alive or to help my kids ...

I just want to be able to pay my way and not have to go to extremes to do so ... we are not rich ... but before AN surgery we had savings and had extra money for things we wanted not just things we needed ...

Soundy ~

Your point is well taken.  In my life, I've also been put in a financial bind due to medical expenses so I can empathize with your plight.  I realize that your situation with insurance companies effectively cheating you out of what you were promised when you paid your premiums is not an anomaly.  My point isn't that the current system we have for medical insurance coverage and how we pay for it is just fine and doesn't need some serious changes, but that the government-administered health care financing system now set to replace it will be far worse and more expensive to run than anyone seems to realize.  It's a fallacy that 'only the rich' will pay for ObamaCare.  With 30 million+ people added to the U.S. health care system and many doctors fleeing the profession because they will not be forced to cede medical decisions for their patients to government bureaucrats using a cost/benefit analysis to determine who receives care, medical services will definitely be curtailed and/or long wait times will become normal as costs inevitably skyrocket far past the original rosy projections - just as they did for Medicare.  At it's inception in 1965, Medicare cost the taxpayers 3 billion dollars.  25 years later, in 1990, when the proponents of Medicare back in the early 1960's projected that it would cost  12 billion dollars, the actual cost of Medicare was 107 billion dollars (you can look it up). There are now approximately 50 million Americans enrolled in Medicare.  The 2010 budget for Medicare is 510 billion dollars.  Clearly, these huge government programs eventually become unsupportable.    With "Affordable Care' (ObamaCare) having a potential enrollment of  some 300 million people and basically 'covering' everybody for everything imaginable, the costs will inevitably be astronomical.  Many observers expect a national sales tax will be proposed to help pay for our new health care financing system.  So, as I see it, and it's only my opinion, mind you, we'll soon be getting worse medical care, wait longer to get it and pay more for it...if, for folks my age, we can get it at all.  This is why I was opposed to the sweeping 'reform' of our health care financing system and why I'm very skeptical about it's future. 

However, I understand full well that medical insurance has gotten to be a hassle and some folks, like you and Nancy, are getting hammered financially, feel cheated and misused and assume that nobody cares.  In that case, you might welcome what has been touted as 'reform' and the opportunity to get your medical services as 'a right', and at a price you can afford.  Sounds great.  I hope it works out that way (I'll be on the same government plan) but I can't see how it can because the numbers don't add up.  Looking at other 'nationalized' health care services, as in the UK, they have long waits, spotty service and are cutting back on services due their national economic problems.   

I'm not at all dismayed that some folks may not accept my opinion and feel that they need this new health care scheme because they're drowning in debt and losing needed services because of costs they simply can't afford.  That stinks.  As I stated earlier, I've been in that situation so I know how it feels.  When my son was born I had a low-paying job and minimal health insurance with few benefits.  The birth of my son, Christopher, went just fine (I was there) but I owed thousands of dollars to the doctor and hospital.  The doctor agreed to accept about a third of his bill as payment in full (in monthly payments) and as I was attempting to make a payment plan with the hospital - roughly $20. per month for ten years -  they sent me a letter informing us that the hospital had a special fund set aside (as part of their endowment) for the 'working poor' that would cover my bill entirely.  We were unaware of this fund and never asked to benefit from it.  Well, my wife cried and I had a hard time talking for a bit (it passed) but of course, we were both relieved and elated. I could offer a few other stories but I think I've shared enough of my personal life history here to make the point that I'm not opposing 'ObamaCare' on the basis of being wealthy and insensitive to other people's financial straits or because I don't like the president.  I'm opposed to it because I think it's a bad deal for Americans and will make our health care system less effective as well as cost all of us more money.  I also believe that we'll definitely lose much of our freedom of choice in our health care.  No more multiple doctor consultations when choosing AN treatment and no more multiple MRI scans at our convenience with just a doctor's order.  A government bureaucracy will make those decisions for us and if they say 'no', we'll just have to deal with it.  No appeals to the state Insurance Commissioner anymore or the insurance company ombudsman.  We'll be little more than supplicants.  I don't look forward to that - but I can't guarantee it will be that bad.  It could be worse - or better.  I still think it's a loss of the freedom of choice and I very much resent that, but too late now.  However, the next election may bring some unexpected changes, so I've not abandoned all hope - yet.  However, I do hope your situation improves, soon.  If anyone deserves a break, it's you, Soundy.   You're in my prayers and those of others, I'm sure.  Try to take some solace from that.   

4.5 cm AN diagnosed 5/06.  Retrosigmoid surgery 6/06.  Follow-up FSR completed 10/06.  Tumor shrinkage & necrosis noted on last MRI.  Life is good. 

Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is.  The way we cope with it is what makes the difference.

Captain Deb

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Re: ObamaCare issues
« Reply #34 on: August 19, 2010, 03:15:07 pm »
It seems that no one on this thread has addressed the fact that many of the diseases and conditions which are breaking the back of the health care system are entirely preventable!!! Heart disease, diabetes, stroke and cancer are all linked to obesity and/or smoking.  I was out at docs appt and then to lunch with hubby and noticed it was hard to find a normal-sized person in any crowd we were in.  We are bombarded with unhealthy food advertisements and our grocery store shelves are stocked with fat and calorie-laden crap.  Why aren't the fat and calorie-counts posted on fast food menus?  Unless you are eating grass-fed antibiotic-free meat, you are eating animals fed hormones and antibiotics that do who-knows what to your immune system.  Our fruits and veggies are sprayed with pesticides, especially if they come from other countries where pesticide regulations are lax.  Thank God Michele Obama's mission is to fight childhood obesity.  Perhaps a more nutritionally educated generation will considerably reduce our kids health care costs. We all need to take more personal responsibility when it comes to our health care.

Capt Deb
"You only have two choices, having fun or freaking out"-Jimmy Buffett
50-ish with a 1x.7x.8cm.AN
Mid-fossa HEI, Jan 03 Friedman & Hitselberger
Chronic post-op headaches
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Re: ObamaCare issues
« Reply #35 on: August 19, 2010, 03:19:14 pm »
I agree with you Jim ... I think things will be worse all around and that care quality and accessibility going down ... I fear that as time goes by more and more people will find themselves in situations like mine where they can't afford to pay for needed medical care ... if the government would help find a way to better regulate the insurance companies and somehow standardize medical charges so that one place didn't charge $1200 for an MRI and another using same type machine charge $4000 ... $600 to walk in an ER is ridiculous ... $8 for 4 onces of peroxide , $20 for a syringe to use to inject lidocane at $89 for the medicine ... I have a bottle we use with the cows that was $19 for 25 doses  ... then the hospital tells me that I had to pay this much because of people who can't or don't pay their bill ... it has to be made up somewhere ...

I bet most of you know of circumstances where people are abusing systems in place to get out of paying for medical care ...  like a family I know where the parents are not married , he is making about $10,000 more a year than we do but they have a court ordered child support order in effect and it is paid into her account and she only works part time and he is not required to have the kids on his insurance ... they had their kids and the state paid for it all ... the mom and kids are all on Tenn Care and have $10 office visits , $50 dollar ER visits , tests like MRIs and CT scans run from $75 -$150 ... and they brag about it ... and they get food stamps , free lunches , weekly ?Help Center boxes with food , TP , soap ect ...  but they are within "legal boundaries" and so get by with it ... I wonder if when all is in effect if Tenn Care will go away as many have said it will and they will be required to buy insurance through the government plan ... I hope so ... and I wish that something could be done to close loopholes that allow people to pull scams like this and simply because they are not married and technically as in this case where all her income is from her part time job and child support , that they can free load off the government programs that are meant to help those in real need ... but this is not an isolated case and has been going on forever ... generations of families that are raised on the welfare system and think it is the way to go ...

 some of us were talking at school the other day about the Bill and about several cases like this ...everyone present at our lunch time gab fest think things will get worse long before getting better ...

I think I need to stay away from this thread ...not that anything is wrong with it being here ... I don't see it as political but as all of use sharing problems and issues and fears for what is happening with us in regards to insurance and what will happen in coming years ...need to say away from it because it gives me a headache and stomach ache and I can't treat them
3mm AN discovered Aug 2004
Translab July 2 ,2007
3.2cm x 2.75cm x 3.3cm @ time of surgery

Jim Scott

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Re: ObamaCare issues
« Reply #36 on: August 19, 2010, 04:32:20 pm »
Soundy ~

I'm sorry if seeing these health care issues upset you but I can understand why they would.  You raise a good point regarding abuse of 'the system'.  I agree that there is currently massive fraud in all the 'public' health care programs and I doubt that will change much, although I believe the individual state programs will be 'absorbed' into the one gigantic federal health care program.  I contend that having a federalized, gargantuan-sized health care program will definitely encourage fraud, just as it does now only on a greater scale, which will increase costs and inevitably reduce services and raise taxes.  As I stated, I believe we'll get less health care, wait longer for it, pay more for it and for folks like me (over 65) likely be refused any procedure that is considered 'drastic' or is just too expensive, such as heart/lung transplants and other dramatic, life-saving procedures because they'll be considered 'cost-prohibitive' and 'not a prudent utilization of available resources'.  There will be no appeal - and that will be that.  Grim.  I'm not even sure younger people will be able to get transplants and the like, but it's too soon to predict with any certainty.     

It's true that hospitals charge outrageous prices for every little thing because so many indigent people use their services and they have to make up the lost revenue by charging insurance companies (and uninsured individuals) much higher prices.  As Deb noted in her post, Americans have become relatively unhealthy in some respects, much of it due to overweight.  This overburdens the health care system, too.  As you can see, it's a complex issue and it took many years to get where we are, today.  Unfortunately, I think we're going to go from bad to worse in terms of the quality and availability of our health care.  The linkage of employment to medical insurance and the proliferation of state and federal health care programs have all contributed to the problem. As you mentioned in your post, a sense of 'entitlement' with some segments of the population is also a factor in the problems with our heath care system.  Those folks are stealing from the taxpayers and, to my regret, don't see anything wrong with that...because they don't see themselves stealing from people, but the amorphous 'government'.  This makes dishonesty easy - for some.  Unfortunately, I suspect that those looking for 'loopholes' to exploit in the new government-run health care plan will inevitably find them and this is yet another reason why it will rapidly outrun the optimistic cost projections (one trillion dollars over ten years) and end up costing many times that amount with more taxes added every year as services are either discontinued or we're forced to wait a long time for needed services.  Not a bright outlook but one that I see as realistic, and I'm not happy about it.

I also disagree with the way this plan was rammed through congress but it's the law, now, so I'll have to allow my previous posts (last winter) to suffice as a testament to my opposition.  That every American will be required, by law, to purchase medical insurance is also a sticking point with me and is being challenged by 20 state Attorney General offices as unconstitutional, so we'll see how that works out.  Many (37) states are also rejecting  'Obamacare'.  Simply put: You and I and most Americans wanted the U.S. health care system reformed, definitely, but not what they got, which is, under any other name 'socialized medicine' with it's attendant costs, restrictions and, at it's core, a government bureaucracy determining our level of health care while taxing us for it (at a high rate) , whether we get what we need, or not.  That doesn't sit well with most Americans.  It isn't, as you realize, just 'politics' and one 'side' being against what the 'other side' does.  This is a serious issue that can and likely will have serious ramifications for all Americans.  Depending on the November congressional election results, 'ObamaCare' could be repealed. That remains to be seen, but if it happens, I won't mind a bit.  However, the current way we pay for our health care has to be reformed but using reason and logic, not used as a wedge to usurp people's freedoms by inserting the government into our health care decisions, which is where this is rapidly headed.  The next few months should give an indication of what we'll see in our health care future by next year.

Thanks for your input Soundy and, like you, I'm about ready to abandon this thread because I believe I've made my opinion known and repeating it just bores people - and won't change anything.

4.5 cm AN diagnosed 5/06.  Retrosigmoid surgery 6/06.  Follow-up FSR completed 10/06.  Tumor shrinkage & necrosis noted on last MRI.  Life is good. 

Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is.  The way we cope with it is what makes the difference.


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Re: ObamaCare issues
« Reply #37 on: August 19, 2010, 04:42:46 pm »
It seems that no one on this thread has addressed the fact that many of the diseases and conditions which are breaking the back of the health care system are entirely preventable!!! Heart disease, diabetes, stroke and cancer are all linked to obesity and/or smoking.  I was out at docs appt and then to lunch with hubby and noticed it was hard to find a normal-sized person in any crowd we were in.  We are bombarded with unhealthy food advertisements and our grocery store shelves are stocked with fat and calorie-laden crap.  Why aren't the fat and calorie-counts posted on fast food menus?  Unless you are eating grass-fed antibiotic-free meat, you are eating animals fed hormones and antibiotics that do who-knows what to your immune system.  Our fruits and veggies are sprayed with pesticides, especially if they come from other countries where pesticide regulations are lax.  Thank God Michele Obama's mission is to fight childhood obesity.  Perhaps a more nutritionally educated generation will considerably reduce our kids health care costs. We all need to take more personal responsibility when it comes to our health care.

Capt Deb
Yes I definitely agree with fighting childhood obesity but I do not think it is totally the unhealthy food advertisements I was brought up on everything that was bad for you and I am in my late 50's and when I was young we were always out biking, skates, playing ball remember all the childhood games that were played outdoors and was never obese. The children now have 2 income families and are constantly on the computer, X-box, hand held games and every other sedentary modern technical games that are out there and is not helping the situation either. Thank goodness for the WII but how many children are really playing with that game I know first hand from my gandson and the video games that he is glued to the game and the T.V.
Diagnosed with a 1 cm. AN had Retrosigmoid
Approach surgery July of 2009, several problems after surgery.


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Re: ObamaCare issues
« Reply #38 on: August 20, 2010, 08:44:49 am »
Childhood obesity is so sad...
We were never allowed to have video games when I was a kid, and we didn't come in the house when it was nice out unless we had to get a drink, eat lunch or dinner, or if the street lights came on (which was usually the cue that it was time to come in for the night).  We also weren't allowed to have soda or sugary drinks, or fast food.  To this day fast food grosses me out and it should be outlawed to eat a burger from McDonald's period, disgusting (just my opinion).

When we had treats is was only after we ate all our dinner and even then it was 2 oreos, not half the bag.  I believe its partly in the way you are raised, I don't care if both parents work, there need to be rules around food.  Thankfully my parents instilled in me good eating habits and the importance of exercise, but today parents don't seem to care as much or don't take the time to care.
Another problem is that today kids are not allowed to go a 1/2 mile away to play in the woods, parents are paranoid and they have every right to be.  Depending on where they live kids don't have the opportunity to play baseball in the street or go out for hours climbing trees or dodge ball.  Its a shame, but this is the world we live in and technology has taken over partly out of necessity.

Just my 2 cents,
Left AN 2.5CM,retrosigmoid 11/2008, second surgery to repair CSF leak. 
Headaches began immediately.  Dr. Ducic occipital nerve resection, December 2011!!!!!

"When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on"
-Franklin D. Roosevelt

Jim Scott

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Re: ObamaCare issues
« Reply #39 on: August 20, 2010, 04:36:13 pm »
Liz ~

Thanks for your input on the U.S. childhood obesity problem.  Your '2 cents' offered us a good post with valid observations. 

With a third of all American children considered obese (weight 10% higher than recommended for their height/age) the problem is growing (pardon the inadvertent pun). Although I think the standard for measuring childhood obesity is a bit high (a normally 60-pound child weighing 67 pounds isn't 'obese') the problem is real.  I believe the causes for childhood obesity are myriad and certainly include the lack of kids simply being allowed to be kids.  Parental fear of 'strangers' doing bad things to unattended children is one reason you don't see a lot of kids riding bikes all over town, as I did when I was a child, with no worries about molesters and murderers hiding in the bushes (this was the 1950's).  Sadly, that era is long gone. 

To be honest, as a child, I ate a lot of junk food (my parents were decidedly indulgent and hardly health-conscious) but I had a high metabolic rate and was very active so I never got fat.  My younger sister was the same way.  Unfortunately, eating a lot of candy and drinking then-surgery soda resulted in many hours spent in the dentist's chair having cavities filled.  Fortunately, my parents sent me to the dentist every six months so I never had any big dental issues.

Today, as you noted, Liz, technology is the central focus of most kid's play, whether we like it or not.  My (now adult) son, who grew up in the 1980's and 1990's, was a whiz at computer games and still plays them with friends on his wide-screen TV.  However, my niece runs a popular dance school and always has a lot of kids taking lessons and even competing.  The 'soccer mom' is practically an institution in America so the mom's kids must be playing a lot of soccer, which is fairly strenuous - and healthy.  I believe that the majority of American families are relatively active and eating 'fast food' is not the norm for dinner.  Fortunately, 'fast food' didn't exist when I was a kid.  The first McDonald's didn't open in my area until I was 16 (in 1959), and it was considered second-rate because then, there was no dining area.  You had to eat your 'fast food' in the car, which seemed a bit crude to folks used to the malt shop and later, the ubiquitous 'diner', which, even now, I still like to frequent. However, I've eaten many times at 'fast food' places but I don't make it a habit.  They long since ceased to be economical and I'm well aware of their fat and calorie content, so I avoid them.  I've noticed that many public playgrounds have had to eliminate the swings, see-saw, 'monkey bars' and most everything else due to the potential for parental lawsuits if a child injures themselves, playing.  Another sad reality of the era we live in.

Another sad reality I've observed that it's mostly - but certainly not exclusively - low-income families that eat a lot of 'junk food'. The obesity rate is probably higher in poorer neighborhoods because some foods that are relatively cheap are also quite fattening and 'fast food' is also easier to buy than cooking a real meal.   I suspect that reality may be part of the impetus for the First Lady, Michelle Obama, to champion the reduction of childhood obesity in America.   It's certainly a worthy cause that everyone can support.  I do.   

4.5 cm AN diagnosed 5/06.  Retrosigmoid surgery 6/06.  Follow-up FSR completed 10/06.  Tumor shrinkage & necrosis noted on last MRI.  Life is good. 

Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is.  The way we cope with it is what makes the difference.


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Re: ObamaCare issues
« Reply #40 on: August 22, 2010, 01:03:50 am »
Back to ObamaCare. I made the mistake of saying Medicare instead of Medicaid. As far as the $2000 allowed in your bank account. Sorry.

In the end what is the hard facts?

Medicaid as it is. Will take care of ANYONE. But you MUST GO BROKE if you get sick and DO NOT have insurance. Its only for the needy.

Obamacare is about NOT GOING BROKE and controls on the medical health and care of EVERYONE. Including Bill Gates.

The last 6 months is the most costly of a persons life on average. Its a huge $$$ number. But no one really knows when they will die.

As it was before Obamacare. Medicare is paying that last 6 months. Throw in fraud and abuse of the system. And its already broke.

When its your Mother or Father and its near the end. You going to pull the plug? Insurance company will because they have a limit on claims amount of your lifetime. But it will pay out till that number is reached.

I wonder what the wonderful compassionate cushy government job human is going to do about it?

My answer is to keep Medicaid were you go BROKE if you need it and don't have insurance and get real about prison time for abuse and fraud. Or let the states do their own things (I like this). And let Cali and NH go socialist and everyone that likes that can move there.
Age 42, AN left, 2.8cm
left hearing gone, balance getting better.
16 hour Surgery 9-27-10 CSF leak fix 10-4-10 3 hours
Miracle I feel my left face and tongue again.
If we evolved from monkeys into humans? When do we stop being human and become something else? What would that something else be?


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Re: ObamaCare issues
« Reply #41 on: August 22, 2010, 07:35:06 am »
this thread still lives?    ::)
"Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness", Capt Jack Sparrow - Davy Jones Locker, "Pirates of the Carribbean - At World's End"


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Re: ObamaCare issues
« Reply #42 on: August 22, 2010, 11:27:00 am »
Liz ~

Thanks for your input on the U.S. childhood obesity problem.  Your '2 cents' offered us a good post with valid observations. 

Another sad reality I've observed that it's mostly - but certainly not exclusively - low-income families that eat a lot of 'junk food'. The obesity rate is probably higher in poorer neighborhoods because some foods that are relatively cheap are also quite fattening and 'fast food' is also easier to buy than cooking a real meal.   I suspect that reality may be part of the impetus for the First Lady, Michelle Obama, to champion the reduction of childhood obesity in America.   It's certainly a worthy cause that everyone can support.  I do.   


Thanks Jim!  I totally agree with you, healthy food can most certainly more expensive and it can be hard to feed a family healthy alternatives.  Michelle Obama is at least bringing this issue out into the open, and feeding kids healthy food at school is a great start.  I could never understand why we had soda vending machines in our school?

I am worried about Obamacare, but I don't think we are going to have much of a choice, especially if he is elected to a second term.  I don't claim to be any sort of a political savvy person and I don't sit in either wing as I like to make my own choices regarding my stance on a subject, but I think the only way around ObamaCare is to get someone in office who can cut the funding to the program and shut it down.  I do believe that we need a healthcare system that allows everyone to have care, but it needs to be one that will work, not one that from the get go was set up to fail.

We shall see where this goes....

Left AN 2.5CM,retrosigmoid 11/2008, second surgery to repair CSF leak. 
Headaches began immediately.  Dr. Ducic occipital nerve resection, December 2011!!!!!

"When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on"
-Franklin D. Roosevelt