Author Topic: Surgery Scheduled  (Read 2288 times)

Mtn Gal

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Surgery Scheduled
« on: May 18, 2006, 09:29:01 am »
Greetings all.  It's been a while since my first post.  I have been reading the forum and it is a great resource.  Thank you all for the info and support that is given here for everyone.  I have been busy researching and reading, as I know all that are on the AN journey must do in order to make wise decisions.

I have been fortunate to discover that your very own Capt. Deb is only a few miles away from me and we have emailed and spoke on the phone.  Thanks Capt.  I also have found another lady nearby that had a brain tumor six years ago and she has also been very supportive.  My family is really behind me.  I took my husband and daughter to my appts. and it helped them to understand.  My daughter was nervous, but I gave her the job of taking notes and getting the answers to my questions.  That helped her.

My surgery is scheduled for Wed. May 31, at Wake Forest Univ. Med. Ctr.  I will be having the suboccipital or retrosigmoid approach.  I am confident in my doctors and I hear wonderful things about the hospital.  My husband had back surgery last July at WFUMC and his doctor was excellent and he had a super recovery.

Most days I am content with my circumstance and have peace about it.  The fear of the unknown is always lurking in the shadows.  That's where you guys help out.  I figure I can't change my situation, but when I need it most, there will be strength to get me thru.  Everyone can't believe how strong I am in spirit (they don't see my bad days!!!).  Life deals some of us lemons, so I'm gonna make lemonade.  Thanks again for all your support and I'll be talking with you again later.  Got lots to do before May 31 and my six weeks VACATION.

Mtn Gal
Mtn Gal
Dx Spring 2003 (7mm)
MRI Spring 2006 (13mm)
Retrosigmoid Surgery 05/31/06
Wake Forest Univ. Med. Ctr.

Captain Deb

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Re: Surgery Scheduled
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2006, 09:38:16 am »
Hey Gal!
So glad you've reached a decision and set a date. Who will be doing your surgery? I assume he or she does many of these every year, as the skill of the surgeon is an important factor for a good outcome.  Maybe you can find another on these boards who had the same surgeon.
The PT gals name is Katherine Graham at Blue Ridge PT--she's great and they have a fancy new balance retraining machine that I call "the phonebooth from he**" They didn't get it till I was almost through(insurance ran out) with my rehab, but I'm sure they'll polish that sucker right up for you! I can meet you in Valle Crucis Park, too--a great place to walk--smooth walkway and mostly flat (an issue for us up in the high country)

Call me!
Capt Deb
"You only have two choices, having fun or freaking out"-Jimmy Buffett
50-ish with a 1x.7x.8cm.AN
Mid-fossa HEI, Jan 03 Friedman & Hitselberger
Chronic post-op headaches
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Mtn Gal

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Re: Surgery Scheduled
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2006, 10:18:58 am »
Hey Capt.

The surgeon is Dr. John Wilson.  He operated on a fella here at App. who had a nasty fall and had swelling on the brain and they thought he was a goner, but he went home four days later.  I've heard really good things about the neurosurgery group at WFU.  Dr. Wilson is the only one who does ANers, but a team of doctors discuss the case, so he will have assistance from many other qualified docs.  He told me everything he could possibly tell me (which I knew most of it from reading this forum) and then he answered my list of questions.  He seemed to know his stuff.  Super nice guy and good lookin' too!!! (haha)  Don't tell my husband I said that.

The VC Park sounds good to me.  We'll arrange a date when I get my feet under me.

Glad you had a wonderful birthday, sorry I missed it.  Celebrate it again with some more of those choccies or cake.

Mtn Gal

Mtn Gal
Dx Spring 2003 (7mm)
MRI Spring 2006 (13mm)
Retrosigmoid Surgery 05/31/06
Wake Forest Univ. Med. Ctr.

Captain Deb

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Re: Surgery Scheduled
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2006, 11:02:53 am »
Did you ask Dr. Wilson point blank how many AN surgeries he does a year, also how many he's done in his career?  These are the two most important questions. 
Capt Deb
"You only have two choices, having fun or freaking out"-Jimmy Buffett
50-ish with a 1x.7x.8cm.AN
Mid-fossa HEI, Jan 03 Friedman & Hitselberger
Chronic post-op headaches
Captain & Designated Driver of the PBW


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Re: Surgery Scheduled
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2006, 03:43:24 pm »
Hello everyone
You sound as if you are going through the same thing as my husband he has his operation due on the 30 May, at the Epworth Hospital with Dr Briggs and Dr Fabinyi.  Can you tell me, I know everyone is different but how long did they say to you would be the recovery time.

Mtn Gal

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Re: Surgery Scheduled
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2006, 01:25:53 pm »
Hi Jewells
I was told that after the surgery I would be in the ICU for the first day/night; then be moved to a room and the stay would be 4 or 5 days.  Just depends on how you are doing.  May be shorter if no complications.  I've read of a few cases where the patient asked to go home and was allowed to go on the third day.  I hope to be one of the lucky ones.  Good luck to you and yours.  The decision to have surgery was difficult, but the waiting for the surgery date is a struggle too.  Just keep busy.

Hey Capt. Deb
Now you know that, if I have truly done my homework and studied this forum inside out, then those two questions were on my list for the doctor.  He does not have the vast experience of the wonderful doctors at House, but I am satisfied with his experience.   I feel confident in his ability to perform this surgery and I am completely at peace with my choice.  Thanks for your concern.

Mtn Gal
Mtn Gal
Dx Spring 2003 (7mm)
MRI Spring 2006 (13mm)
Retrosigmoid Surgery 05/31/06
Wake Forest Univ. Med. Ctr.


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Re: Surgery Scheduled
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2006, 01:54:17 pm »
I wish I could chime in here with answers you all seek, but alas... all I can do is give huggles, send warm wishes and hope you all are hanging in there.

*waves hi to the Cap't Wenchy-Poo!*

"Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness", Capt Jack Sparrow - Davy Jones Locker, "Pirates of the Carribbean - At World's End"


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Re: Surgery Scheduled
« Reply #7 on: May 19, 2006, 07:18:34 pm »
Good luck Mtn Gal and Jewells husband -

Seems to be alot of May surgeries.....Walk, walk, walk as soon as they will let you.  My experience was they let you go home as soon as you can walk distance by yourself without staggering.  I made sure the nurses saw me walking around the floor every hour on day two.  It worked,  they let me go home the third morning.

Will be thinking of you,  Kathy O'Brien

ps:  I was a May surgery too.
Kathy - Age 54
2.5 cm translab May '04
University of Minnesota - Minneapolis
Dr. Sam Levine - Dr. Stephen Haines