Greetings all. It's been a while since my first post. I have been reading the forum and it is a great resource. Thank you all for the info and support that is given here for everyone. I have been busy researching and reading, as I know all that are on the AN journey must do in order to make wise decisions.
I have been fortunate to discover that your very own Capt. Deb is only a few miles away from me and we have emailed and spoke on the phone. Thanks Capt. I also have found another lady nearby that had a brain tumor six years ago and she has also been very supportive. My family is really behind me. I took my husband and daughter to my appts. and it helped them to understand. My daughter was nervous, but I gave her the job of taking notes and getting the answers to my questions. That helped her.
My surgery is scheduled for Wed. May 31, at Wake Forest Univ. Med. Ctr. I will be having the suboccipital or retrosigmoid approach. I am confident in my doctors and I hear wonderful things about the hospital. My husband had back surgery last July at WFUMC and his doctor was excellent and he had a super recovery.
Most days I am content with my circumstance and have peace about it. The fear of the unknown is always lurking in the shadows. That's where you guys help out. I figure I can't change my situation, but when I need it most, there will be strength to get me thru. Everyone can't believe how strong I am in spirit (they don't see my bad days!!!). Life deals some of us lemons, so I'm gonna make lemonade. Thanks again for all your support and I'll be talking with you again later. Got lots to do before May 31 and my six weeks VACATION.
Mtn Gal