hmmmmmmm..... Katie may bring the spouse!!
That would be fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!! I have met all but 2 family members, including da spouse! Will note him as a tentative!
Laura, you bet! If anyone from the support group meeting wants to join us, I will need their headcount. If you can guide them here to this thread so they can provide official headcount, that would be of tremendous help!
Paul, don't be cutting off anything! O-tay?
AttendeesPhyl and da bloke
Lizard/Liz and Kevin
Jim Scott and the very lovely Tina
Lholl36233/Laura and Mum
JoeF (you betta' be, bucko!)
Crazycat/Paul (sleeping in da back of my car!)
MLB57/Grammie "Mimi" (Mary)
KMacDonald/Kay and Bob
LisaP/GO RED SOX!!!!!!!!!!!
krbonner/Katie and B(?)
MZB475/Laura (folks, this is the new Metro Boston ANA Support Group leader!)