FINAL DEADLINE: WEDNESDAY, OCT 6Katie, noting just you but am thrilled that you are coming to this one and we get to see you!
Wayne F will also be joining us (got email from him). For those that were in attendance at the Metro Boston Support group meeting at Laura's house, Wayne was in attendance and has sent me an email saying he is interested in coming..... will be thrilled to have him join us!
Ok, need to phone the restaurant with final headcount... any other takers?
AttendeesPhyl and da bloke
Lizard/Liz and Kevin
Lholl36233/Laura and Mum
JoeF (you betta' be, bucko!)
Crazycat/Paul (sleeping in da back of my car!)
MLB57/Grammie "Mimi" (Mary)
KMacDonald/Kay and Bob
LisaP/GO RED SOX!!!!!!!!!!! and guest
krbonner/Katie and B(?)
MZB475/Laura (folks, this is the new Metro Boston ANA Support Group leader!)
ANNorma/Norma and Harold (YAY!)
Wayne F (from the local Metro Boston ANA support group mtg)