Wow! You guys are great--especially nice to hear from the lovely Palace! She calls herself that because she is a true princess! She even has a professionally made profile pic!
I have an appt on Thursday in Charlotte, NC with an ENT surgeon I found through Charlotte Presbyterian--I even spoke with a patient of hers--her receptionist went through the very same thing. Very big nice hospital where my grandscallywag, Thing 2, was born.
I spent Labor Day in the Emergency Room (no I was not
in labor)--I had a bad reaction to the meloxicam (NSAID) medication that I take for my back pain. Nausea and a monumental case of the pukies. I had slacked off a bit on the tummy meds, apparently too much. I'm feeling fine now, but am avoiding the anti-inflamatory, and of course that means even more pain.
I saw my GP today and she put me on Klonapin for anxiety and stress. I've had a family situation that has really upset me recently but I won't go into that here--I may vent it out over in the Cognitive/Emotional section, which we ought to rename "The Vent Room" or "Psychiactric Help 5 cents" (anyone remember Lucy's booth from Peanuts?)
Bless all of you for being so supportive--I get more of that here than from my own family sometimes (except for Dr Love, or course!)
Hugs to you all xoxoxoxox
Capt Deb