I've posted a few times and so many have responded with helpful advice. At this point, after all the reading, I am so scared of what my future in teaching may be. I still waiting on my ENT office to get back to me with info on where to go and what to do. I am wondering if there are any other teachers here that would be willing to talk about your experiences with your treatment and how it has affected your teaching job. I am divorced, live alone, family out of state, and all friends are teachers, so I won't have much help. I think my insurance is going to be a problem if I seek treatment out of state. After reading other experiences and speaking to a few people on the phone, I am afraid of not being able to continue teaching. The thought of trying to survive on disability scares me. I know I'm thinking way ahead, but this is going to also affect my choice of treatment. I would prefer surgery to just this thing out, but I just cannot possibly not go back to teaching. This would be the only reason to opt out of surgery. But at the same time I am already having problems teaching. With the hearing loss, the tinnitus, and 2 hearing aides, I can hardly hear when my students talk to me or ask questions. It is causing me much anxiety, especially because the students seem impatient with me. I have tried explaining my hearing loss, but they forget, and I remind them daily. I cannot imagine trying to go back with even less hearing, possible balance problems, facial paralysis, eye problems, etc. I would really like to hear some words of wisdom/experiences from any other teachers out there, either currently teaching or retired.
Also, are there any links I can read where all the treatments options are explained and compared in one link. I am reading so many different things from so many different sources, it is hard to keep it all straight. A side by side comparison would be nice.
Also, I know many are willing to talk, but I am wondering if there is some link where we can go just to read where people tell about their experiences. I'm reading them in bits n pieces embedded in other topics. It would be nice to just find a topic devoted to everyone just telling their story pre-treatment, type of treatment, after effects, time frame, outcome....
Many thanks to all who remain faithful to reassuring us newbies and giving your advice. I know many people come here scared at first and are just seeking advice. To those of you that have stayed for years dedicating your time to reassure and guide those of us with new diagnoses, thank you thank you thank you.