After my first complication filled AN surgery I was out of work for almost 4 months and then after my last surgery I missed about 6 weeks and since I've returned to work I notice that I'm treated a little differently. After my first surgery there was a great deal of sympathy and support, but after going through everything again and missing 6 more weeks, people are treating me like I've taken 6 months of vacation in the past few years. It's hard for me to even get a few hours off to get to all of my Dr. appointments without getting those "missing MORE work?" looks. Maybe it's just me, but it feels like I've worked hard for this company for 5 years and some bad luck kind of ruined my reputation. My wife & I just had a baby and I took a week of for that and it was greatly frowned upon. I find myself wishing that they knew what it was like to have some life changing experiences like I have had over the past few years so that they understood. I just had an exchange with my boss who said that "now that all of my hospital time is over I should realize that work is my priority," to which I responded, "no, work is YOUR priority, my priorities are my family & my health, THEN work." I don't think he liked that answer, but I'm frustrated with it. I guess us survivors see life in a differnt light? Maybe it's just time for a new job and a fresh start