I finally received a call back today from Dr. Chang's nurse, Elizabeth. She said Dr. Chang and another doctor viewed my films and found no tumor! Actually, she left a voicemail and I just had to call her back to see if I heard right. She was so nice and took the time to explain to me everything that transpired. She said first she looked at my films and could not find my tumor. Then she told Dr. Chang and he made fun of her, then he looked, then the other dr. (can't remember his name) looked and none could find a tumor. They even read back over the radiologist report again to see if they overlooked something, viewed the scans again and still saw nothing. She said that the spot the radiologist found could be any number of things but no tumor. He recommended I get another MRI in a year to be sure. I am so shocked. First, that I have been put through this nightmare for over 3 weeks for nothing. I have stressed, cried, lost weight...you name it. And second, that something good has actually gone my way. Just to be absolutely sure, I am still going to mail my MRI to House and see if they say the same. Not that I don't value the opinion of Dr. Chang, but I want to be absolutely sure. My birthday is Sunday and now I can actually look forward to celebrating.
I just want to say that I will never forget those on this forum who have been so supportive and helpful, especially those who responded endlessly to my questions (Cheryl, Jim, Jan, Clarice, Lori, Tumbleweed, Phyl). Somehow, I feel bad that I will no longer belong to this community of such loving and caring people. But I will still be here reading, caring, and listening to your stories. I wish so much that I could give something back and I wish and pray for positive outcomes for all of you. I may not have an AN after all, but I most certainly believe that I can understand what you are all going through as these last 3 weeks have been my worst nightmare.
Again, you all have my most heartfelt thanks...love...and best wishes. I will pray for you guys every day!
Much Love
(P.S. and I will let you all know what House has to say)