Hey all!
I haven't posted on this forum for quiiiiite some time, but have been stalking in the wings here and there.
I just wanted to share an awesome experience...
I have been working as a neuroscience nurse for about 1 year now, and had yet another AN patient today. I get them all the time, same doc as me and everything. (Working with him is a little strange and cool at the same time. The guy has seen the inside of my head for cryin out loud!!) But my interactions with this patient were different.
So, anyway, I worked with a patient, we'll call her "Jane" (HIPPA would approve), who had an AN resected about 4 days before I got her as a patient. Everyone who has had surgery can probably identify with the 5th day (or so) mark...the point where you think "uh-oh, I just had a really serious, possibly life-changing surgery! what now??" Well, Jane had reached that point, too. She expressed lots of fears (and tears) to me about the possible need to change her life, maybe never being able to do the activities she loves again, how things are going to be handled at home/work without her being at the helm, etc. It was a real shocker to hear these things come out of her mouth because they were the exact same thoughts going through my head (and I'm sure everyone's head after surgery) when I had surgery about 4 years ago.
I can't even express this correctly in words...
I was able to talk with Jane and (hopefully) allay some of her fears. She seemed more confident, expressed her gratitude, and wheeled on out of the hospital with her husband. I spent the rest of the day beaming. I not only helped her as I was living, breathing proof that you CAN and WILL get better, but helped myself, too. It was such a cathartic experience. I don't think I was ever so into believing that "things would work out" as I was today. I couldn't believe the words I was saying - that it was really me as the experienced veteran, offering words of encouragement - words that I have been living by for 4 years. I don't need those words to get by anymore. I am healed 100%, in my mind, of any emotional scars that were lingering. I feel fabulous.
I encouraged Jane to check out the ANA site and this forum. I hope she does as there are soooo many wonderful and supportive people out there from whom she could benefit hearing.
And I hope she reads this and knows that she helped me, too