I have gotten the most relief from the head and neck pain (I don't like to call it a headache because that doesn't begin to describe what it feels like!) from a nerve block and non-steroidal trigger point injections. I have had a series of twice weekly injections for the past two months, sometimes as many as 15 shots at a time, and they have really helped with the neck spasms and the referred pain in the forehead. What neither of these treatments has given me much relief from, however, are what I call the "brainwrecks", those excruciating, debilitating throbbing and shooting pains that seem to emanate from the incision site. My urologist, of all people, asked me recently if I had considered hypnosis. He gave me a referral to a psychiatrist to whom he refers patients with intractable bladder pain. I got an appointment with this doctor, was tested for my hypnotizability, and am scheduled for what is called a "full induction" in a couple of weeks. This doctor has had patients who can't be anesthetized, undergo major surgery while hypnotized. If I understood him correctly, the pain will still be there but my perception of the pain will be altered. I've done botox, accupuncture, physical therapy, reiki, massage and all have done some good. I'm hoping this will give me another, non-drug tool to help me manage the pain.