Here's a good method to keep up to date on all the posts:
When you enter the forum, click on "Show Replies to Your Posts." This will display the threads that you've posted on at some point, whether recently or not, by citing the most recent posting.
Then scroll down to "Forum Stats" which indicates the latest post and a list of users who are currently online. Click on "View the most recent posts on the forum" and you'll be able to scan 10 pages worth of the most recent posts, going from newest to oldest. If a given post is on a topic that you're not interested in, just skip it and keep reading down the list. You can click on a post of interest which will take you to the thread. I check on the forum a couple of times a day and feel that I am at least glancing at everything that's been posted. When I reach a point within the 10 pages where the posts are familiar, I know that I've seen everything that's been posted since my last visit.
This works well for me.
Catherine (JerseyGirl s)