Phx, I'm not clear on what you are describing as the problem - is it the mechanics of speech or the ability to articulate your thoughts?
I have trouble with the mechanics of speech, While it gives me more time to think and organize my thoughts, it is very difficult to get the words out at times. Sometimes, I have trouble following things.
The good news is that I work in higher education (at the state level, not on a campus) and colleagues, including those I have just met, are amazingly tolerant and patient the great majority of time. Most of the times in higher ed, people recognize that we go through different phases and challenges in life.
Now, you may find that things have changed for you. Let me suggest that if anything has changed, it is most likely NOT your ability to learn, but rather your most successful style of learning has changed. And you may not have found the new style that works best for you yet. Give yourself time and realize also that you have been away from school for may simply be that you need time to re-acclimate.
In short, don't give up school...the semester isn't even half over yet.