Author Topic: Vertigo just got much worst out of nowhere  (Read 5723 times)


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Vertigo just got much worst out of nowhere
« on: October 08, 2010, 10:34:36 am »
June 2010 I was diagnosed with a 4mm Acoustic Neuroma on the right side. Saw a specialist who put me in the Watch and Wait group because of the size and my age (28). I had surgery done last month to remove a severe fungal infection from the very back sinus cavity and ever since then the Vertigo has gotten worst. its affecting my work, my home life and now I'm afraid of crashing while driving or totally losing control and falling through a window. I have an appointment to have VNG testing done on the 19th and then a follow up with the specialist on the 28th. I'm not so sure that surgery would even be an option because I would think it would make the Vertigo worst. Has anybody else had to suffer with this? I thought the Vertigo was supposed to get better not worst...

Thansk so much in advance.

Diagnosed June 25th, 2010
Acoustic Neuroma: 4mm right side
Doctor: Dr. Fucci in Chandler, AZ
I now belong to the Watch and Wait Brigade!

Jim Scott

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Re: Vertigo just got much worst out of nowhere
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2010, 12:44:02 pm »
Hi, Cola ~

I'm sorry to learn about this sudden onset of severe vertigo which certainly is life-altering.  Vertigo is a fairly common symptom of an acoustic neuroma so it could be associated with your diagnosed AN but I'm not a doctor and have no way of knowing that as a fact.  Because the tumor - benign and small as it is - can be in a location that is problematic for triggering vertigo, your physician should be able to locate the cause of your vertigo (via testing) and advise you how to proceed from that point on.  Your speculation that AN removal surgery may make your vertigo worse is a natural concern but your doctor can address that concern with you, should surgery become necessary.     Please let us know how your testing and doctor consultation turn out.  Thanks.

4.5 cm AN diagnosed 5/06.  Retrosigmoid surgery 6/06.  Follow-up FSR completed 10/06.  Tumor shrinkage & necrosis noted on last MRI.  Life is good. 

Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is.  The way we cope with it is what makes the difference.


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Re: Vertigo just got much worst out of nowhere
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2010, 05:10:14 pm »
Thank you Jim. Right now my concern is that I constantly feel exhausted and drunk and I yawn about 100 times a day its very annoying. Its gotten so bad that I'm having a hard time driving and my boss is now asking that I get a note from the doctor stating that I am allowed to drive and work otherwise he wants to put me on FMLA and have me stay home. I thought my dizzyness was supposed to get better not worst but ever since I had my sphenoid sinus cleaned out I've had horrible lightheadedness and dizzyness. I'm assuming its the tumor but I guess it could be a bunch of other things as well.


Diagnosed June 25th, 2010
Acoustic Neuroma: 4mm right side
Doctor: Dr. Fucci in Chandler, AZ
I now belong to the Watch and Wait Brigade!


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Re: Vertigo just got much worst out of nowhere
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2010, 06:08:57 pm »
I'm sorry you're going through this.  I know just how it feels, because that's what I'm going through now too!  I can still drive OK, but I'm kinda staggery and always lightheaded to flat out dizzy.  I'm kinda just barely functioning and trying to "act normal" at work.  I know how anxiety inducing this can be when it messes with your livelihood.

I've read on this forum that sometimes tiny ANs can cause a great deal of dizziness, because sometimes when the AN is bigger, the affected nerve has died gradually and the "good" side has slowly compensated.  All the doctors keep encouraging me to stay hopeful, as this stuff usually disappears eventually.  Hope this is what happens for you too!
Rt. side 14mm x 11mm near brain stem
Severe higher frequency hearing loss
I use a hearing aid (Dot 20 by Resound)
Balance issues improving!!!!
Cyberknife March17, 2010
Roper Hospital Cancer Center, Charleston, SC


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Re: Vertigo just got much worst out of nowhere
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2011, 06:10:26 pm »
Hi Cola,
I've already had surgery once (a little over 12 years ago-easy to remember as my son was born a month before they found my tumor).  It was rather large, 3.5 cm, and had my brain stem squished (that's the medical term) against the side of my skull.  I've had a certain amount of balance issues, but I guess I got used to those.  Recently though they've gotten worse, vertigo at the top of and on stairs-very scary, falling over when I'm standing next to the table helping with homework (explaining that one to my GP when I tore the ligament in my thumb when I did it was very embarrassing.)  Have had the balance testing done and surprise surprise they recommended more vestibular therapy.  I'm searching around for a good therapist now.  In the meantime I make sure I have a good hold on the handrail and my other hand or shoulder on the wall.  I hope you find an answer to your  imbalance increase.  Let us know how you're doing.


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Re: Vertigo just got much worst out of nowhere
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2011, 08:56:43 pm »

It is good that you are scheduled for a VNG test.  That will tell the doctors if the AN is causing the vertigo or if it is something else like Mineare's Disease.  As said many times before it really is important to get all the information before making a decision.
