I am looking for advice from others who may have gone through something similar. I had a very large AN removed from my right side almost 9 years ago and am completely deaf on that side. I also had hydrocephalus and have a VP shunt. Until very recently, I had perfect hearing on the left. Several audiograms showed above average thresholds in all frequencies.
Now, I am 46 years old. I do have a history of exposure to loud music as I spent most of my middle teenage through mid-20s in loud nightclubs seeing loud music. I also have a family history of hearing loss on both sides of my family, though I am not sure that I can pinpoint exactly at what age this started happening for my parents.
About 2 weeks ago I started noticing some problems with noises in my left seeming really loud. I also noticed some sounds being a little bit distorted. If it weren't for the fact that I only have one working ear, and the fact that I am completely gun shy due to my AN experience, I probably would have just ignored the whole thing. I have no dizziness, facial numbness, paralysis, tinnitus (in the good ear) or ear fullness, all of which I experienced with my AN, though I do have to say that the tinnitus in my AN deaf ear seems louder lately.
I had an audiogram and Otoacoustic Emissions test done on Friday. My audiogram now shows a little dip to about 25 db at 6000 HZ. I am told that this is still basically normal, but that it does seem to show a change from my last audiogram which was done about a year ago. I am told that the OTE was consistent with regular old noise related hearing loss, and that the likelihoold of this being another tumor is very very low. I am also unable to have MRIs due to a cardiac issue for which I have an Implantable Defibrillator. Therefore, any scan would have to be a CT which involves radiation and I am a bit worried about all of the cumulative radiation already from my follow up scans of which I have had several in the last few years.
The audiologist recommended retesting in 6 months and not doing anything more. I am scheduled to speak to my ENT next week. What do you all think? Is this just regular old age hearing loss starting to show now, or should I be worried that it is an indication of something more serious? I feel fine, as I mentioned, and even the hearing symptoms have improved since this all started about 2 weeks ago.