Doc ~
I appreciate your concern but would have preferred you presented it privately to the moderators, whose job it is to 'police' the messages and do whatever is necessary to keep them on track, avoid controversies and offensive comments, etc. I think we generally succeed. However, your expressed concern is somewhat puzzling, as in numerous posts, I've seen posters employ the phrase "I'm not a doctor...." when offering advice. Frankly, we tend to avoid giving specific 'medical' advise on the basis that as non-physicians communicating with someone we don't know much about, much less their entire medical history, we are not qualified to offer specific treatment advice beyond, as you have, offering our personal experience and adding whatever information we may have, as a patient, not a doctor. However, posters have a right to express an opinion, within the bounds of civility and good taste, but I'm not aware that there are posters offering specific treatment advice to other AN patients. Often, treatment suggestions are made (which can be ignored) but the choice of treatment always remains with the patient. I would suggest that the next time you see this issue arise, please PM me or any of the moderators so that it can be addressed, privately. Thanks, Doc.