Looking back, I now see that all the symptoms of my AN were there for 2 years and my GP just kind of ignored them or attributed them to less innocuous things--allergies, stress, idiopathic. Not until I sought out an ENT did I get diagnosed.
Now with my hip problem, I look back and know this problem has been with me for at least 10 years. I had complained to my old GP off and on during that time, but it wasn't until I changed doctors did the new one send me to the orthopedic surgeon.
The GP (same old one as above--no longer our doctor) my son saw first chalked his brain seizures (as they turned out to be) up to the stresses of medical school. He wouldn't even recognize they were seizures. I made the appt. with the neurologist which led to his brain cancer diagnosis.
Thankfully, we have a PPO, not HMO so can see specialists on our own, and the doctors I went to did not insist on a referring doctor. I think GP's are useful for common ailments, but medicine is so specialized these days that we should be able to go to a specialist when we know something is very wrong with our bodies. Doubt that health care reform will ever address that! My 3rd yr. med. student son agrees with me.