Hi out there, sending you some love : ) Margaret welcome to the forum. Do some searches on headaches and see what you come up with. I'm 21 months post-op and I'm not going to lie its been a tough time, but I've been able to get some great information from searching and speaking to some other "headachers" out there, especially Capt Deb, who is the resident headache expert. Before I found the forum I was a mess literally brain wreck pain every single day. Here are a few things I've learned from my experience:
Be your own advocate.
Find a Dr that is involved in your care, and you will see many before you find the right one.
There is a treatment or treatments out there that will help you, its just a matter of which one. Our AN's were all different, our experiences were all different and so our care needs to be tailored to our various deficits.
Attitude is everything.
I don't think anyone should have to go 13 years with daily headaches and I wasn't willing to go 13 months, so I took my care into my own hands and began bringing my Dr research and information from the forum that worked for other people. We've tried many options, but the one thing that worked for me was an occipital nerve block administered by an anesthesiologist...but that may not work for you, or Kathy the Botox may not work this time, but if you go for a second round the may get the right spots? It also takes time to see the affects and the treatments compound on eachother to create greater relief over time.
Hang in there and please PM or Email me if you want to bounce anything off of me.
Take care,