That was a great story. My brother lives in Bakersfield, CA. and had never heard of acoustic neuromas or of the House Cliinic. I had been researching and read about House. I told him what I was finding. I had thought of going to House, but living in West Virginia, my husband and I hoped to find something closer. (Which we did and I will be having translab Nov. 16 in Pittsburgh, Pa.) Anyhow, the strange thing is, my brother e-mailed me and said they got a House magazine in the mail and your stoy was in it. He copied it and e-mailed it to me. I read it with great interest. You really went through a lot and I am so glad things are going so well for you. It was just so weird that he got that in the mail at this time when I just found out I had one. Good luck to you from now on. I looked at your pictures of Parker and he is adorable.