Hi Everyone, I'm so glad to have found this site! I've been a silent observer up to now. My name is Cindy. I'm 40 years old and live in Providence, RI. I was diagnosed with a 2.5cm AN a month ago and have been furiously doing research ever since. The information I found here was a huge part of that, so thank you, Posties. I'm over the initial shock of diagnosis and am slowly coming to terms with what lies ahead of me.
I feel lucky to have caught the AN when I did. I easily could have let it go for years, as my only symptom is slight hearing loss on the AN side. I had vertigo a couple of years ago, but my body has adjusted and it's no longer an issue. Thank God for a thorough ENT who pushed me to have an MRI with contrast. So other than the "invader" in my head, I feel great! I'm a bit nervous about the after effects of GK, but am remaining positive.
I met with Dr. Georg Noren in Providence to discuss GK and I also met with Dr. Kevin Yao and Dr. Carl Heilman at Tufts in Boston to discuss GK as well as a surgical option. Because of my age, the Boston docs thought that surgery would be best for me since "we don't know what the side effects of radiation are 40 years after treatment". When I pressed the surgeon if he thought I'd be making a mistake if I went the GK route, he said, "No, I don't".
So after lots of research and soul searching, I decided to have GK with Dr. Noren on Nov. 19th. It's true, I do feel much better after making a decision. I feel it is the right option for me and am comfortable with Dr. Noren. Has anyone here been treated by him?
- Cindy