Mary Ellen,
My husband had a large AN, about the size of your husband's, removed 16 months ago. We are also in NYC and consulted with some of the same doctors you have. We saw Dr Gutin, a neurosurgeon at Sloan Kettering, whom we liked very much. He partners with Dr. Selesnick, who we also consulted with. I know that Selsnick also partners with someone else. Drs Roland and Golfinos were very impressive and it was a hard decision choosing. Ken had his surgery At Columbia with Dr Sisti. Three out of the four suggested trans-lab, and the other retro-siigmoid. Since Ken's hearing in the AN ear was pretty good, he chose retro in the hopes of saving his hearing. Sadly that didn't happen and he continues to deal with many post surgical issues.
When Ken was diagnosed, he was told it had to come out within the next few months. I urge you to do as much research and thinking on this. It is hugely important that you have some time to digest the information and make an informed decision, after all this is brain surgery!