So anyway....Off i went to my primary care....he did the follow my finger thing and said he could see the vertigo in my right side...looked in my ear and i asked what did you see in there?he said its bulging and i really can't see in there?
i said i figured that becouse it s swollen all the way down the back of neck....I think its filled w/ fluid...Amoxicillan for 10 days.
On to the nightmare at Dr Jergenson....The muscle relaxer she prescribed is only covered minumallly through my ins.....$50 to fill
I called and asked the to call my ins co. and get it lowered...Ins said no...she called back and said they said no and could offer me no other muscle relaxer that i have not already tried.
brought my coverage book to primary care and he prescribed Soma.He said its addicting in some patients....I said i would rather take one of thoses everyday and have a life then not.Its probly addicting becouse it actually works and people need to take it to feel right..GEEEEZ!
Then off to chiro.......he said OMG every muscle in my neck was tight and my face....he said he has never felt such tight facial muscles....So my belief is that my vestubular issues are causing mahem...I am trying to balance and using every muscle in my body to do it.