I'm on my way! I am just so excited. This has been an uphill fight for me to get C.K.
Even tho most doctors I talk with still don't know about cyberknife, I did find the one who DID and he was in his own fight to bring C.K. to the Ottawa Hospital. It is now installed and running. Thank you Dr. John Sinclair!
I met with Dr. Shaun Malone just 2 days ago and I am scheduled to start my C.K. treatment within the next 3 weeks.
My tumour had grown from 56 mm (July 2009) to 71 mm (March 2010) and just 6 mons later (2 days ago) it had another 10% growth to it. There is no actual validation on size yet as the doc was just looking at the scans on the computer.
Dr. Malone is amazing and I was star struck when I saw that machine! He was a great sport and let me take pictures and also grab him in for one with it. You can see my pic with him and the C.K. on the front page of my website when you scroll down.
www.vagalschwannoma.comThank you so much to everyone for all your support, your encouragement and knowledge.
I am now in the process of having a meeting on Monday with the local newspaper to spread the word on C.K. and it's benefits so others can have the choice.
Have a great weekend! I know I will!