Hi everyone,
My name is Norma and yesterday my husband and I were told that he (Dale) has a 3.5cm AN that must come out asap. I'm a little freaked out to say the least, but reading this forum has really helped. But now I just need some input and advice from those of you that have been there or are already going through this. I've read in alot of the postings about the Michigan Ear Institute and that's good for us, but all of the postings are about a Dr. Kartush or a Dr. LaRouere and we were seen by the last doctor on the business card Dr. Babu. I know he wants to remove the tumor working with Dr. Pieper at Providence hospital, but I'm worried because I'm not sure this Doctor is the best guy for the job. I have also called U of M to find out what their doctors say and I've sent a copy of the MRI to House in LA for a free consult. If we decide to stay put with the Michigan Ear Institute - is it insulting if I ask for a different doctor? What would you do in this case? We already know there is absolutely no way to save Dale's hearing in his left ear, but I'm worried about other complications. I would really appreciate knowing what others think and know.