Author Topic: Newly diagnosed 3.5cm AN in Michigan - Need advice on Physicians  (Read 3087 times)


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Hi everyone,

My name is Norma and yesterday my husband and I were told that he (Dale) has a 3.5cm AN that must come out asap. I'm a little freaked out to say the least, but reading this forum has really helped. But now I just need some input and advice from those of you that have been there or are already going through this. I've read in alot of the postings about the Michigan Ear Institute and that's good for us, but all of the postings are about a Dr. Kartush or a Dr. LaRouere and we were seen by the last doctor on the business card Dr. Babu. I know he wants to remove the tumor working with Dr. Pieper at Providence hospital, but I'm worried because I'm not sure this Doctor is the best guy for the job. I have also called U of M to find out what their doctors say and I've sent a copy of the MRI to House in LA for a free consult. If we decide to stay put with the Michigan Ear Institute - is it insulting if I ask for a different doctor? What would you do in this case? We already know there is absolutely no way to save Dale's hearing in his left ear, but I'm worried about other complications. I would really appreciate knowing what others think and know.

3.5cm Diagnosed June 2006 - Removed June 28, 2006
House Ear Clinic - Los Angeles, CA
Surgical Doctors: Brackmann, Hitselberger, Kutz, and Stefan
CFS Leak Doctor: Friedman
Follow-up Doctor: Cullen

Entire tumor removed
Facial nerve intact

Today is a good day!


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Re: Newly diagnosed 3.5cm AN in Michigan - Need advice on Physicians
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2006, 02:06:52 pm »
You have every right to ask for a different doctor.  Your husband and you, both need to feel comfortable with the physician doing such a detailed and major surgery.



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Re: Newly diagnosed 3.5cm AN in Michigan - Need advice on Physicians
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2006, 02:49:57 pm »
I had Dr. Pieper & LaRouere and they have been outstanding. I would recommend them very highly. I just saw both last week actually and they've always been great. I've never seen Dr. Babu, but everyone I've ever dealt with at MEI has been great. Let me know if I can help.


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Re: Newly diagnosed 3.5cm AN in Michigan - Need advice on Physicians
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2006, 03:37:36 pm »
I have the right to switch doctors if you are not comfortable.  One of the questions you want to ask is how many AN surgeries have they done in the last year.  If it's less than 50 I'd be looking elsewhere.  I was told by my general doctor that most doctors see an average of 30 AN's in their entire career.  I want the guy who sees them daily or weekly!  You can always consult with both and then decide.  You'll know in your gut who you are the most comfortable with.  If you haven't already done so please request the materials from the ana.  They are very informative and have a great list of questions to ask your doctor. 

Know we are hear to answer any questions and provide what ever support you need.  It's a very exclusive club but a very friendly one!  My prayers are with you guys during this time. 


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Re: Newly diagnosed 3.5cm AN in Michigan - Need advice on Physicians
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2006, 04:28:57 pm »
I saw your note - you must be quite worried at this time.
Its not insulting - or a bad reflection on a doc, to get a second opinion, actually many docs have quite different views on AN`s. Also 3.5 cms may seem large - but they can grow to 4-5-6 cms or more, and it would take many years to do so - a week here or there may make little difference.
Consider this - that tumour may already be 5 yrs old - or more.
Keep an eye on the symptoms and note any changes - tell your Doc if you see anything
As to outcomes from surgery - the more experianced the surgeon the better - check out the track record of the potential hospital involved.
Recoveries are usually very good these days - but they do take time. You need to plan for an extended period of rest and recouperation - and if he is home in a week, then all is well.
good luck
Best Regards


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Re: Newly diagnosed 3.5cm AN in Michigan - Need advice on Physicians
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2006, 07:57:33 pm »
Nip and Dale:

Hi -

You will know when you have met "the right man for the job".  If you had doubts or if something didn't seem quite right about him make an appt. with another Doctor.  Also, ask that the Neurosurgeon be there for the consult. 

I was lucky.  When I met my "soon to be doctors" my first reaction was WOW.  They were very confident in their ability which relaxed me like you wouldn't believe.  I asked how many ANs they had removed and at the time (2 years ago) it was over 500 - They do 2 or 3 a week. My three sisters were as impressed as I was so we all knew I would be in good hands. 

I wish for you the same feeling I had when surgery was finally scheduled:  lets get on with it.......I will be deaf in one ear but just fine.

My best to you,  Kathy
Kathy - Age 54
2.5 cm translab May '04
University of Minnesota - Minneapolis
Dr. Sam Levine - Dr. Stephen Haines


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Re: Newly diagnosed 3.5cm AN in Michigan - Need advice on Physicians
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2006, 11:16:10 pm »
Oh my gosh! Thank you everyone that posted a reply to me. Strangely I feel better knowing I can talk to others about what's going on and I don't have to explain what an Acoustic Neuroma is to them first. Crazy huh?

I don't have much to say at this point - I think I've hit the point of emotional exhaustion, but thank you for your time, your thoughts and the information that you offer and share. I sincerely appreciate it.

I'm sure I will be posting again real soon,

3.5cm Diagnosed June 2006 - Removed June 28, 2006
House Ear Clinic - Los Angeles, CA
Surgical Doctors: Brackmann, Hitselberger, Kutz, and Stefan
CFS Leak Doctor: Friedman
Follow-up Doctor: Cullen

Entire tumor removed
Facial nerve intact

Today is a good day!


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Re: Newly diagnosed 3.5cm AN in Michigan - Need advice on Physicians
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2006, 08:31:59 pm »
Hi Norma:  I went to UofM and have nothing but positive experiences.  I have two friends who also had their AN surgery done at U of M and were very positive.  My Dr.s were Dr. Telian(ENT) and Dr. Thompson(Neuro).  I am going for my 1 year MRI this coming Tues. and hoping for good news! Take Care: luv2teachsped
3cmx3cm/translab 5/05
University of Michigan
Dr.Telian and Dr.Thompson

BAHA implant-4/07, processor on 8/07