I'm a bass guitarist primarily, but also play six string acoustic and electric. I've been playing professionaly for over thirty years.
So, as you can well imagine, it's been quite an experience having my acoustic nerve as well as my vestibular system ripped out of my head. And here I was thinking that it was the loud music making me go deaf! Not so. God only knows how long that thing had been growing in me.
I started having profound dizzy spells in 1968 at age 11 that seemingly came out of nowhere and lasted only a short time. The last time I experienced a dizzy spell like that was in 1987 at age 30. They were few and far between but could have represented the genesis of the neuroma. I never told anyone about them even as a child. I had excellent hearing up until 1999 when I first started noticing my left ear was going deaf. In 2002 I started having double vision. I continued to go on with that until my equilibrium went on me in February 2005. Around that time I noticed my handwriting was failing me. I kept going as long as I could by virtue of physical fitness. I'll never forget how bad it was getting just before I went for treatment last summer. I knew that I was dying and that I just couldn't go on any longer. It's hard to describe that feeling. It was like something Carlos Casateneda would have described in his books on Indian sorcery, "The Teachings of Don Juan".
The amazing thing was that I continued working as a musician right through the worst of it. I don't know how I held on for so long. I had enemies around me that accused me of being a hypochondriac and even laughed at me upon learning of my official diagnosis. All in all it was an amazing experience that made me a much stronger, better and more mature person than I had been before.
And Jeanlea, yes, it's true: steroids lead to weight-gain, especially after long term use. Why do you think high school and even professional athletes take them to bulk up, making them heavier and stronger?
Take a steroid such as Dexamethasone or Decadron. Do a search on Google and check for side effects and see for yourself!
Take care.......Paul