Okay, so I haven't been around for awhile and I sure have missed these boards. Been extremely busy at work and my oldest just graduated and she's also been to orientation for college, parties, puppy, etc! Anyway, seems I have lots of time on my hands now that I was laid off today. I feel so screwed that I was laid off just after my kid graduated and I have to apply for college loans, etc. Looks like I'll be at the unemployment office Monday then job searching but who is going to hire me?

I know my hearing or lack of, seemed to be an issue for those few that I worked with and I sure hope that isn't why they are taking this route because they aren't stupid and obviously I can't be let go because of that, sometimes I wonder or maybe I'm just paranoid. I can't work with people, i.e. cashier, etc. cuz I can't hear good at all in crowded situations and my tinnitus continues to worsen. I am now also faced with a major muscle problem on my left shoulder (I am also left handed) so I can't lift and I get winded really quickly. I just feel like I have so many limitations, what can I do that will make me enough $ to get by and also pay for college! The state gave me absolutely zero aid since we make so much $$ (in our dreams). I was just so upset today, as soon as I start to get on my feet again, I get knocked right back down on my ass! It's so darn frustrating. Not sure if I can go through more of this again. I'm really tired of just getting by. I ate a pint of Ben & Jerry's choc fudge brownie for dinner tonight and my daughter who works at Rita's for the summer is bring me home a chocolate misto. I really don't need the pounds but I do need the chocolate!
Okay, so thanks for letting me vent. I know I have to keep on plugging through I just need to find the strength in me to do it! If it wasn't for my kids depending on me, at times I think I would give up! I really feel like I can't do this anymore. I just want to crawl into a hole until it's all okay again.