WOW Kay .... your skiing and roller coaster descriptions bring to mind images of you screaming to beat the band ..... good for you ... glad you enjoy that stuff. Only things to watch for on your bike are those big metal obstacles with 4 rubber tires! Hopefully there are bike paths and parks closeby.
Summer vacation at the beach, we stay in a location that's not really easy walking distance, what with gear and the grand-kid. So I drive up, drop off family and stuff, drive back, and then bike back to the beach. And then reverse it all at day's end. Works for me.
Day I bought my bike several yrs back, I actually tried a pogo stick in that store.... did OK, but later realized that wasn't such a good idea cause of the smooth floor.
BTW, nothing wrong with screaming on your bike, altho you might get some strange looks
Keep smiling!