Okay, I'm right at 10 months out. I suffered left-side facial paralysis for a couple of months post-surgery and then experienced a fairly rapid progress to something like 85% of apparent normal. I have stayed there since, and few untrained or inexperienced individuals will notice any deficits unless I am really tired. Or if I try to act really surprised.
However,in the last couple of months I have noticed my left side facial muscles more and more. I am more aware of the effort of talking or moving my face. I feel it more, especially in the cold. In fact, out running tonight in 22F, I could certainly feel the cheek muscles on eyelid struggling with the cold. I'm not really sure how else to describe this.Also, I should note that on my last camping trip with scouts a couple weeks ago, my cheek was having difficulty getting out of the way while eating and there has been few more instances.
I am interested in knowing from others how familiar this sounds to your recovery. Of course, part of my problem is the continued difficulty in talking which really compounds the effort of making my face work and I have had to do a lot of talking lately.
So, any thoughts? Oh, and I am not complaining, life is pretty sweet right now.