Thank you for the validation, Jan and Rose. I was sure this radiologist had a screw loose himself! If he had just bothered to jump on the Cochlear or MRI Safety Web site, he would have seen the truth. Actually, I think Cochlear was not helpful by saying on its little card, "For an MRI near the abutment area, the abutment must be removed by a specialist (i.e. audiologist)." This could be misinterpreted by not-so-sharp radiologists as meaning that if you're going to have an MRI of your head (which the radiologist apparently interpreted as meaning "near the abutment area"), the abutment MUST be removed, period. I think what the card MEANT to say is that if you want it removed, it MUST be done BY AN AUDIOLOGIST. But the card's wording is admittedly a bit ambiguous.
I wish I'd never given them that stupid card! They had asked me if I had any info regarding the implant to give them, so I handed it over, thinking that surely they knew about Baha or could easily find out about it.
I know the MRI place is busy, they goofed up by not looking at this info and figuring things out last week, but you'd think they would have been resourceful enough to just look on the manufacturer's site or an MRI safety site! But I guess they would rather spend a long time talking back and forth with me and rescheduling me entirely instead of taking a few moments to type "Baha MRi safety" into Google.
Even more surprising is that the Baha surgery was done in the very same facility (Kaiser) where I was going to have the MRI.
Bleah!! What a stupid hassle. Now I won't be able to reschedule for weeks, and I'm afraid I'll lose my very fragile determination to go through all this again (MRI and neuro consult), risking being told yet again that nothing is wrong with me when clearly there is.
Sorry for the long rant. I just hate it when doctors (radiologists, neurologists, and other types) act like they know everything and can't be bothered to actually look something up or believe that a patient might know something they don't.
OK... rant over. Thanks for the replies!!