Author Topic: 6 Month MRI (Freaked Out)  (Read 3585 times)


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6 Month MRI (Freaked Out)
« on: May 10, 2005, 02:19:47 pm »
Hi All,

29/m from Michigan had 3.5cm AN partially removed (75%) last October. My 6 month MRI is coming up on June 1 and I'm extremely nervous. Both of my Dr's expect the risidual tumor to grow and at that point, I'll have to have stage 2 surgery. I've had a long, difficult recovery, and the thought of going in again freaks me out. I guess my question is wether or not 6 months is too soon to determine if the tumor has started growing again. Although my Dr's expect it to grow again, they also said that they cut off the majority of the blood flow to the tumor, so that's good. Any idea on what I should expect after the 6 Month MRI?

3.5cm AN removed 10/7/04 at Providence Hospital in Southfield, MI
Dr. Pieper & Dr. LaRouere


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Re: 6 Month MRI (Freaked Out)
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2005, 03:19:47 pm »
Don't have a clue, but good luck with it. I can't even imagine facing surgery again!


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Re: 6 Month MRI (Freaked Out)
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2005, 04:27:20 pm »
  You wrote: "Although my Dr's expect it to grow again, they also said that they cut off the majority of the blood flow to the tumor, so that's good. Any idea on what I should expect after the 6 Month MRI?
  Well; Expect a possible good outcome and examine the possibility of Gamma Knife radiation if the growth is not slowed. It is often utilized to follow up residual tumor. No, 6 mos. is not too soon to see growth. I'd personally rather see a year, however, due to swelling of surrounding tissue.
  If it were my situation, I'd want a couple opinions each from neurosurgeons and radio-oncologists before I let someone in my head again.
  Best wishes to you!   -Russ