I'm not on Facebook based on (a) privacy concerns and, (b) lack of time to devote to another internet website. However, my wife is 'on' Facebook and enjoys it. (PM me for her Facebook moniker) She has urged me to sign up - but I've resisted and will continue to do so until or unless I can find more time to devote to the internet, which isn't likely. However, even if I registered on Facebook, I doubt that I would mention my AN experience. Not because I wish to keep it a 'secret' but because it was almost five years ago and doesn't really have much bearing on my life, today. Besides that, I can discuss ANs right here with folks that I may be able to help in some way, as opposed to just relating a personal medical experience that most people don't really understand and so, haven't a lot of interest in reading about. Here, it's more like 'family' and my AN experience has some meaning to others that I might venture to counsel. Realistically, I probably won't be an active member of the ANA website forums indefinitely. If and when I give up my seat on the ANA Moderators Lear jet (not in my immediate plans) then I might consider becoming a Facebook member.....maybe.