Well, 16 days down. When does it get better? I went out and tried to do a little work in my shop, I worked for five min. and rested 15. I can’t believe how quickly I get tired. I am trying to keep it light, and as safe as possible. With all this dizziness and my L-eye burning, I just can’t concentrate enough to accomplish anything.
I don't mean to complain, I consider myself very lucky. As I said in earlier post, my AN actually turned out to be a Facial Nerve Neuroma. I hope I still qualify to post in AN Forum???. My doc., Dr. Swartz had to cut some of the Facial nerve, and some of the balance nerve. Hearing nerve is still very good, very little hearing loss. I still have a little movement in L-side of face, so let’s hope it starts working a little better (lot's better) in the future. It would be nice if tears would start working again...
I am glad that I found this site, and that you all had such great advice. I would not have gone to HEI if I had not read these forums. If I had went to my first Doc. at Vanderbilt Hospital then I would have lost my hearing, the Doc wanted to do translab....I believe that without my Middle Fossa, and the skill of Dr. Freidman, and Dr. Swartz, I would not have turned out any where near as good as I am now, or will be in future.
I am a very lucky man indeed..........
Thanks to everyone, Danny