I think it was right about 6-8 weeks post when I realized I could create a twitch in my cheek. Another six weeks and I was at 80% of function or better. Typically only professionals or folks with similar issues notice any difference now. My wife was driving us down to our son's college to watch him play baseball. It is about a 4 hour drive and all I could do was sit (I had very limited ability to speak) and try to move my face. All of a sudden, there it was, a little twitch. It took about 15 minutes until I could do it again. I was able to do it 4 or 5 times that time. I pulled the vanity mirror down and was able to see something happen. It wasn't much, but it happened. After that, it moved faster. I still only have about 90% of full function, but that 10% is so minor to me, especially with ongoing speech and swallowing problems, but everything continues to improve.
I'm with Kaybo, I think that you have so much improvement already is a really good sign. There is a tremendous difference between drooping and symmetrical at rest.
Be patient...it sounds like you are on the way! Almost a year out, I still suffer from the pulling sensations. I think these are the result of the affected areas simply working a bit harder.