You can wear a helmet with the implant, but not with the BAHA attached. The interior flesh around the screw will be stripped away during the surgery, and the exposed abutment is actually lower than the remaining flesh. If your helmet is really tight, the padding will probably rest on the abutment, but it will not wear the padding and the abutment is titanium and you cannot damage problem! The BAHA snaps into the abutment, projects about half an inch above your scalp, and you cannot wear a helmet with it in place. I like to wear ball caps, so I take the BAHA off. I can wear a loose fitting hat over the BAHA, but it causes feed back, so I just take off my bionic ear and put it in my pocket. If I am doing yard work, I always take it gets knocked off all the time by low hanging limbs, and I really don't want to run my lawn mower over it.
I am really happy that you are doing well enough to ride a horse. Did you get to keep your vestibular hooked up? For all of you new people to the AN scene, here is another person with a great out come. Most of us have very normal lives. It just takes some just hang in there.
By the way, the implant screw cannot be placed to fit around your helmet. Cochlear limits the placement of the screw because of the thickness of your skull, and where the external placement of the BAHA needs to is in the instructions to the surgeon...and it is right where your helmet fits!