I would do it again. The problems I have had post-op are much easier to deal with and assimilate into everyday life than the problems I was having pre-op.
If that was a fast track, I must of had the jet-stream track. Went into the ER on 10/5 (thursday) because I just couldn't take the headaches anymore, diagnosed with the AN 10/6 and on the table 10/11. I never left the hospital from the time I walked into the ER on 10/5 until the 16th I think it was so I had no time/options to research, other than what the good doc told me. But yeah, I would do the surgery again, even knowing what I know now...what was my option...according to my doc...."have the surgery and deal with a few issues like the deafness, etc....or don't do anything, have a stroke from the AN putting pressure on my brain stem and die" not much of a choice!