These are great questions for your Doctor too. There can be a lot of variability in how quickly people recover from AN surgery, depending on AN size, how much balance was aready compromised on the AN side (has balance already compensated for Vestibular nerve damage), the location of the AN and how involved it was with other nerves and brain structures, etc.
To try to give some idea of an "average" AN case, if there is such a thing. Many people spend one day in neuro-ICU after surgery, then move to the neuro-ward. Hospital release is commonlly 5 days after surgery.
Your needs at home will vary, a lot having to do with your balance recovery. You will probably be very weak at first, and require a lot of naps. Things may seem overwelming at first, but things improve rapidly. If surgery sacrficed the vestibular nerve on the AN side, you may need a walker for a few days as vestibilar function compensates to only having imput from one side. Many people return to driving and work after 1 to 2 months.
Wishing the best for you and your recovery. Ask more guestions, this is a great place to get feedback on real life AN experiences.