Everyone's experience here has been so helpful to me in being prepared for my AN outcomes and how to manage them! I hope you can help with some additional suggestions.
I had a large AN removed at HEI 3 weeks ago. Fortunately, they were able to remove the whole tumor and leave the facial nerve intact. Unfortunately, the nerve is unresponsive and I have no movement at all on that side of my face. Dr. Brackmann feels that most of it will come back eventually, but I know that it will take some time. In the meantime, eye care is my top priority. I'm currently wearing a moisture chamber 24/7.
I saw an ophthalmologist this week, and she recommends that I continue with the moisture chamber 24/7 for now. I have to admit that my eye definitely feels better when I'm wearing the patch but, I have the impression that it is not usually a very long-term solution. Has anyone else continued with a moisture chamber 24/7 for an extended period of time?
With the moisture chamber, I can sometimes get by with Refresh Plus drops during the day, but often, especially if I'm out, I'm finding that I'm more comfortable with Celluvisc. The problem is that it blurs my vision. I know others have said that the other eye compensates, but I'm finding that, between the drops and the patch, my vision is really reduced. I can't imagine how I would be able to drive and I'm trying to figure out how I can get back to my normal activities. Will I get used to this eventually?
The other obvious discussion is gold weights. The ophthalmologist thought it was too soon to start talking about gold weights until we have a better idea of how long it will take for me to get my blink back, if ever. I'm not eager to have any more surgical procedures of any kind, but realize that it could make my life a lot easier. I know from many of your posts that the weights are often temporary and are later removed as the eye recovers. One question I have about timing is, do the gold weights interfere with an MRI? I know I need a follow-up MRI in a year, and I wouldn't want to have to have the weights removed just so that i could have the MRI.
Any suggestions about how to get back to as much normal activity as possible while waiting to see if I get my blink back are appreciated!