Hello Mel,
I'm sorry that you are having issues so long after your surgery. I had a 4 cm AN removed by translab (14 hour surgery) 2 years ago. I too am suffering with post op issues, which my neurosurgeon said I may have these issues for the rest of my life or for many years due to the size of my tumor and the length of the surgery. I have chronic fatigue syndrome, facial paralysis/facial nerve pain, headaches, gold weight implant in left upper eyelid, total hearing loss on left side, balance issues, very loud tinnitus and depression. My doctor has tried several medications to help with the pain, fatigue and depression. I hate taking medicine but my quality of life has really gone downhill and at this point I'm willing to try anything. I am no where near as strong as I used to be and I will keep looking for help and answers so I can be the person I need to be and most importantly to be the mom I need to be. I am meeting with my pcp this week and pouring my heart out to her because I need help. I've had my thyroid checked and all sorts of blood work which all came back fine. As others have said, no one can understand what we go through daily (as AN survivors). We may look ok on the outside but we are suffering on the inside. I will be praying for you Mel as I do for everyone on this site. Keep in touch.
God Bless,
Laura Lynn