My husband who is 56 has AN is on the left side about 8 mm. He has some hearing loss but this could be due to Viet Nam injury but he does notice more loss recently with a definite point in time. He has very extreme head pressure and sense of being off balance. Doc here says that his balance is completely gon on left side and gave him exercises for the brain to compensate. Ringing in the ears, high pitch. He had extreme dry eye come upon him which lead us to the MRI and found the tumor. We can't chance anything that will make his eyes more dry. He has plug in the left eye tear duct to keep moisture there. It has been one thing after another. All problems seem to the on the left side.
We were researching the proton treatment in Loma Linda, had spoken to someone who had this done and they were doing well. We started in that direction and now we are not sure, maybe it should be removed.

We definitely want to go someplace that is professional and experienced. We are willing to travel. After reading so many of the stories on the web site I am seeing that we are blessed to have found this thing so early. I really appreciate everyone's concern and info. We are trusting the Lord to guide us but sometimes you need Jesus with some skin on and talking to some of you has really helped. We know that we will have to use our brains to weigh the options. I welcome any comments. KenJen